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Monday, April 25, 2011

2 Corinthians 5 (Assurance of the Resurrection)
"He made Him who knew no sin to become sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him" (vs.21).

In reading one of my daily devotionals, I was reminded of the above verse. And then, this whole fitting as we have just celebrated Holy Week...ending with Resurrection (Easter) Sunday! I love how God fits things together - how He rivets our (my) attention to what He wants us to hear, receive, and walk in ('we walk by faith and not by sight' is also contained in this chapter portion of Scripture).

In order for you and I to be clothed with righteousness, to be clothed with Jesus, thus everything Christ is and represents, Jesus had to take on that in which we were clothed....unrighteousness - sin. Deitrich Bonfoeffer said it this way, "When God's Son took on flesh, He truly and bodily took on, out of pure grace, our being, our nature, ourselves. This was the eternal counsel of the triune God. Now we are in Him. Where He is, we are too, in the incarnation, on the Cross, and in His resurrection. We belong to Him because we are in Him. That is why the Scriptures call us the Body of Christ" (p. 116, "All I Need", MM Suggs).

How could you and I grasp this reality, except that we accept to 'walk by faith and not by sight'? I pray today, for you and I, that we walk by faith (in the Living Christ) and not by sight. Walking by faith in what is set before us this day - in our homes, in our schools, in our workplaces, in our relationships, in the projects, and endeavors of this day. We not only have been given new (Christ's disposition) but the mind of Christ filled with all wisdom, understanding, and knowledge for today!

Hallelujah, what a Savior!

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