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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Everything is permissible, but not profitable

1 Corinthians 6

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body" (1 Corinthians 6: 19,20).

Paul's focus in this portion of his letter relates to how believers are to approach disputes between one another and how believers are to view choices about how to conduct themselves. Paul admonishes believers to handle disputes among themselves, instead of taking their disputes before a worldly court system. Matthew 18:15-17 describes how we are to approach one another.

The second focus, which comes to my focus this morning is how we as believers ought to approach our choices. Paul points out that "Everything is permissible for me - but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible for me - but I will not be mastered by anything"" (vs 12). He then describes current Corinthian society situations to illustrate his point.

I would like to use an example that is current for us today. The Bible does not forbid the drinking of wine. Ephesians 5:18 does point out however that to be drunk with wine is dissipation; instead we ought to be filled with the Holy Spirit - drunk with the Holy Spirit - intoxicated not with alcohol, but with the Spirit - pneuma-holics (pheuma - Greek for 'breath' breath of God or the Spirit of God - Holy Spirit holics). Throughout Scripture we read how drunkenness has caused great havoc and destruction.

In our day, drunkenness causes great havoc and destruction - from the famous, to you and me. We have families that have been separated because of drunkenness; children have been abused at the hands of drunkenness; lives squandered; horrific life choices. Drunkenness is usually a symptom of an underlying issue(s) that is being handled through drinking - and handled poorly, leading to bigger issue(s) than the original issue!

Everything is permissible - it is not sin to have a glass of wine. Everything is not profitable - so much destruction takes place in wine/alcohol consumption...perhaps it isn't beneficial to have one drink...? so many folks turn to alcohol to handle problems, so many folks are tempted to indulge to intoxication....why even go there? So many become 'mastered' by the drink. What is the benefit as believers? How does this honor God?

These are my questions. This is one of my 'I'm permitted, but what is the benefit? Does any benefit outweigh the possible destruction? Personally, I have seen the devastation of drinking being used to handle struggles...and it caused much more destruction in addition to the original struggle. Professionally, in the field of child abuse and neglect - I have seen people die from too much drink; children abused; families neglected; lives destroyed.

So, for me, drinking is an example of something that is permissible, not but not beneficial. Not just non-beneficial, but destructive. How about you? What in your life is permissible, but not profitable for you or for others around you?

"Lord, I pray for each one of us today that you would reveal to us what may not be beneficial in how we are making choices. God, fill us so with Your Holy Spirit that the Spirit overrides whatever we would choose that is not beneficial, that does not bring You Honor and Glory. More Lord, more of You. Quench our thirst with Yourself. You are the Only True thirst Quencher and Satisfier of our hunger. Help us to then be portraits of Grace to others; even as we are now portraits of Your Grace, such as we are. We love You Lord, thank You for loving us."

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Grace, Mercy and Sin

1 Corinthians 5
"But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat" (1 Corinthians 5:11).

The operative word here is "brother." This admonition is directed toward a body of believers, who has in their fellowship someone who confesses Christ and at the same time is living in sin which s/he is 'proud of' - which s/he is publicly open about, reveals that s/he knows it is sin, and has every intention to continue in it.

This is not directed to believers who have in fellowship someone who is struggling with (a) sin which is debilitating, in which s/he is broken over and is seeking to put away, but hasn't been able to, as of yet. Otherwise, all of us, at one point or another would find ourselves outcast. This is not about judging the heart or motivation or intention of someone; it isn't about being legalistic or ungracious or unmerciful. This is not about categorizing people and dividing people. This is not about not associating with people who do not profess Christ - who are in sin.

One commentary has this to say about this verse: "Paul makes it clear that we should not disassociate ourselves from unbelievers - otherwise, we could not carry out Christ's command to tell them about salvation (Matt. 28:18-19). But we are to distance ourselves from the person who claims to be a Christian, yet indulges in sins explicitly forbidden in Scripture and then rationalizes his or her actions. By rationalizing sin, a person harms others for whom Christ died and dims the image of God in himself or herself... Church leaders must be ready to correct, in love, for the sake of spiritual unity" (p2068, NIV Life Application Bible).

"God, help us by Your Spirit to walk in such a way that reveals growth, healing, and wholeness in You; individually and corporately. Help us to be People of Presence - people who are filled with Your Spirit - who evidence Your Fruit - Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, and Self-Control (Galatians 5:22). We then will be able to act loving - according to Your Love - to all around us - within and outside the body of Christ. Thank You Lord."

Monday, September 27, 2010

Talk or Power?

1 Corinthian 4
"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power" (1 Corinthians 4:20).

Faith and the power of God is not only or even primarily a cognitive discourse or exercise. Yes, we are to "be transformed by the renewing of our mind" but the Scripture doesn't end there. Paul's continues to write "THEN you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing, and perfect will" (Romans 12:2). Renewing our mind is not only a cognitive exercise, our minds are the part of us which reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives, judges... We ask the Holy Spirit to speak to us (yes, the Holy Spirit speaks today - audibly?, no (although don't rule that out...God moves in any way He deems fit..), but He 'speaks' in ways so loudly sometimes, or so softly sometimes - through our conscience, through impressions and senses, through others - all in accordance with the Scripture - that it seems audible.

Do you know what I mean? Have you heard from the Lord in a way that you just knew it was God? That is the Holy Spirit. That is the God of the universe(s) who knows you so intimately that He knows just what you need and how you need it....better than you know yourself. God knows how He has gifted you, how He wants to use you in the working out of His plan and purpose, in your story and in the bigger story around you, History, His story.

The power of God is manifested in many ways. All you need to do is to read Scripture and you can see how God moved in the lives of the folks portrayed and recorded in the Word. Does God manifest Himself in the same ways He did in years and centuries before us? There is debate among believers about this - there is great theological (study of God) discussion about this.

I am simple. As I read the Scripture of the New Testament, I see God moving in supernatural ways through and around His people...and through and around those who do not confess Him! I do not read that He does not act in the same ways...with He did in previous days. I do not read that He has ceased His activity - in fact Jesus said that the disciples (which includes us) will do 'even greater things' than Jesus did....God is still supernatural.

So, if we are not seeing the power of God in, through, and around us...who changed? Or where is the hindrance? "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8). God does not change (James 1:17).

The kingdom of God is not about talk but about power. There is a difference between talking about God, and believing and experiencing God. Paul said that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead...lives inside of us (those who have been regenerated, born-again, through the Spirit) (Romans 8:11). When was the last time you saw, sensed, the power - the presence of God - in, through, and around you?

"Lord, forgive us for relying and believing more in talk and our own thinking, than in You. Help us to think Your thoughts and to rely in Your moving of the Holy Spirit - in, through, and around us. Help us not to first focus on Your power, but as we focus on You, and we ask for eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to know, we will see You move in power. Thank You Lord."

Friday, September 24, 2010

United We Stand

1 Corinthians 3

United We Stand, Divided We Fall...

"So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God [is SOMETHING], who makes things grow" (1 Corinthians 3:7).

Paul is addressing the divisions through quarreling and jealousy that was taking place in the Corinthian Church. He chalked this up to the believers being in their infancy, spiritual infancy, which Paul equated with 'worldliness' rather than spiritual maturity - Godliness... Ouch.

So, when we are divided through disagreeing that leads to quarreling, bickering, judging, one upsmanship...we display our immaturity as believers. Paul exhorts believers to grow by graduating to the feeding of the meat of the Word - Paul points out that their viewpoint is to realize that what is important is God - who causes the growth. No matter who is doing the teaching, baptizing, leading....that is not the emphasis (which the believers were arguing about ...kinda like, "I'm a Baptist, I'm a Non-denominational, I'm a Methodist, I'ma I'ma I'ma....).

When I was at Rock of Our Salvation Evangelical Free Church (!!) in Chicago for many years, we had a focus of first helping reconcile people to God through Jesus and then helping breakdown walls of division between races; particularly black and white in the church. Some of us joined the Pastor in going to different churches to share the message of reconciliation - we would sing a song called "We Will Stand" by Russ Taff (check it out on youtube :) The lyrics focused on the fact that as believers, we are brothers and sisters - regardless of our differences - that most important reality was that we were one because of what Jesus did on the cross, and what the Holy Spirit did in our lives by drawing us to God through Jesus....that is what causes (d) us to stand.

As the Church goes, so does the world...if the Church - people of God - are united and intent on one purpose (Philippians 2:1-11) then we will be a powerful force for good, for God throughout the world. If we are divided, then we are revealing that the world is having more impact on us.

How do you see the Church's impact on our world today? How do you see your impact on those around you today?

"God, please forgive me and forgive us as Your people for the divisiveness and division we are perpetrating today...either by acts of commission (things we are doing) or acts of omission (things we are not doing). Lord, move by Your Spirit, help us to mature in Christ, moving from the milk of the Word to the meat of the Word (1 Corinthians 3:1-4). Give us as individuals and as a body the deep desire to be closer and closer to You. This is a desire that You will fulfill and that You will empower us to step into by our activities and actions. Show us the spiritual disciplines that will help position us for greater transformation, continual transformation into the Image of Your Son Jesus, the body of Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18). Thank You Lord."

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

God's Wisdom and the Holy Spirit

1 Corinthians 2

This chapter is one of my favorites! There is so much packed into 16 verses! Paul is continuing to break-down the differences between God's wisdom, human wisdom, and who is able to discern/know the difference between the two. Further, Paul explains that unless one has the Spirit of God living within him/her, one can not know God's wisdom...indeed it is foolishness to him/her!

"The (wo)man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him/her, and s/he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Corinthians 2:14).

Have you encountered folks who, in hearing Scripture or interpretation and application of Scripture either say they don't understand or say, "that is ridiculous, that is foolish, that makes no sense?" Perhaps upon hearing their reply, you have tried to explain the Word to them, and try as you may, it just 'doesn't make sense' to them. Perhaps you have gotten really frustrated and thought that they are either numb or just hopeless.

The reality that Paul is pointing out to us is clear. He is saying simply that when someone is not born-again and thus does not have the Holy Spirit living within, then the Word of God and it's expression or living out of it, is incomprehensible to him/her! S/he is NOT ABLE to get matter how hard s/he tries. So, all your 'explaining' is for naught, until the Spirit lives within them.

So what are we, 'who are spiritual' (1 Corinthians 2:15) to do? Like Paul, we are to humbly approach others who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus, in the power of the Holy Spirit - not in persuasive words (1 Corinthians 2:1) - sharing with them the Love of Christ, the power of sin, and Christ's overcoming sin through His shed blood on the cross, and His resurrection. For them. For you. For me.

One needs to receive the love and forgiveness of the cross, before understanding the wisdom of God. We need to rely on and trust in the Lord to convey this reality to folks, as we prayerfully 'share Christ and Him crucified' (1 Corinthians 2:2). Some time ago we talked about the 'order of things.' There is a way in which things work, even as revealed through God's Creation of natural order.

And so it is with the wisdom of God. One must have the Holy Spirit within, BEFORE understanding the things of God - until then God's wisdom is foolishness...

"Lord, thank You that You have made a way for us to know You and thus to understand, increasingly, Your Wisdom. I pray that all who are reading these words now, have the Your Spirit within. If not, right now Lord, move by Your Spirit, drawing each one to Yourself - filling with Your Holy Spirit unto salvation and growth in You Lord. Then, help us 'who are spiritual' exercise 'the mind of Christ' (1 Corinthians 2:16) which You have given us, in all things. We love You Lord. Thank You for loving us."

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wisdom vs. Foolishness

Food for Life:
We are focusing on a new book beginning today - Paul's (strong and straightforward) letter to the church at Corinth (written @ A.D. 55, Paul's third year/missionary journey in Ephesus). There were issues of immorality and idolatry in the church - as folks struggled to live out their faith in Christ in the midst of the corrupt and worldly city of Corinth! It appears that Corinth may have been a society much like we find ourselves in today in the USA!

Paul's focus was to assist believers in Corinth, and for us today, to identify the issues (jealousy, divisiveness, sexual immorality, and failure of the church to discipline members), offer solutions to the problems, and teach how to live as 'believers in a corrupt society" (NIV Study Bible p2059).

1 Corinthians 1
"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God....For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of god is stronger than man's strength...Therefore, as it is written: 'Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord" (1:18,25, 31).

Has anyone ever said to you or communicated to you non-verbally that: the God-Man Jesus dying on the cross for you (your sin and theirs) and then rising from the dead and now living and will be returning again - is foolish? And that you are foolish for believing such? Or maybe you once thought it foolish.

This is the point of Paul's message in 1 Corinthians 1. That without faith, which is through God's grace, folks think it foolish to believe in the Gospel message that Christ came, was crucified, rose again, and is coming back - all for you because w/o Christ doing so, you and I would be lost. This world would be it for us. We wouldn't know the joy of real life here, and we wouldn't know the joy of Eternity with Christ. We would only have ourselves to boast in - our works, our accomplishments, our intelligence, our talents, our our our - me, myself, and I.

Without faith in Christ, we have it backwards at best. The reality is human's highest intelligence and wisdom is like God's 'foolishness.' Now, we know that there is no foolishness in God...but if there were, it would be more wise than we could possibly achieve!

And so, Paul is stressing to the believers at Corinth, and us, that we have no reason to be braggarts in ourselves or any one person - which ultimately cause divisions, quarrels, jealousies, and discord. Paul exhorts, calls them and us to 'boast in the Lord' if we are going to boast.

Boasting in anyone or anything apart from Christ, except for God, is...foolish.

"Lord, thank You for the reality and message of Christ. Thank You for all the gifts, talents, abilities, and blessings we have in our lives...they all are from You. You are the source of EVERYTHING that is good. Help us to recognize our dependence on You in all matters in this life and Eternity; and have grateful hearts for all the good that comes from within us...because You live...because You live in and through us. We love You Lord."

Monday, September 20, 2010

Created for and with Purpose

This devotional encourages and confirms the gifting God has given to women. It encourages me as a woman who has not been married nor given birth to children. I experience what the writer is speaking of however, in 'giving birth' in writing, ministry offerings, pouring into others lives....relishing in seeing others grow and blossom as they grow in their relationship with the Lord!
I pray that for you today, wherever you are, whatever the circumstances of life, that today would be a day when you experience the deep Love of God for yourself. In God's deep Love I pray you get a glimpse of who you are created to be, and that the reality of who you are in Christ breaks forth to another level.
Blessings and joy to you today,

Sunday, September 19, 2010
To Mother
As large as the role our mothers have played, the word "mother" is more powerful when used as a verb than as a noun. All women are not mothers but all women are called to mother. To mother is to nurture, to train, to educate, to rear. As daughters of Eve, all women are uniquely gifted to help others in their lives become more of who they truly are - to encourage, nurture and mother them towards their true selves. In doing this, women partner with Christ in the vital mission of bringing forth life.

The nurturing of life is a high and holy calling. And as a woman, it is yours. Yes, it takes many shapes and has a myriad of faces. Yes, men are called to this as well. But uniquely and deeply, this calling makes up part of the very fiber of a woman's soul - the calling to mother.

All women are called to mother. And all women are called to give birth. Women give birth to all kinds of things - to a book (it's nearly as hard as a child, believe me), to a church or to a movement. Women give birth to ideas, to creative expressions, to ministries. We birth life in others by inviting them into deeper realms of healing, to deeper walks with God, to deeper intimacy with Jesus. A woman is not less of a woman because she is not a wife or has not physically born a child. The heart and life of a woman is much vaster than that. All women are made in the image of God in that we bring forth life. When we enter into our world and into the lives of those we love and offer our tender and strong feminine hearts, we cannot help but mother them.

The capacity of a woman's heart for meaningful relationships is vast. There is no way your husband or your children can ever provide the intimacy and relational satisfaction you need. A woman must have women friends.

It is here, in the realm of relationship that women receive the most joy and the profoundest sorrows. The friendships of women inhabit a terrain of great mystery. There is a fierce jealousy, a fiery devotion and a great loyalty between women friends. Our friendships flow in the deep waters of the heart where God dwells and transformation takes place. It is here, in this holy place that a woman can partner with God in impacting another and be impacted by another for lasting good. It is here that she can mother, nurture, encourage and call forth Life.

To have a woman friend is to relax into another soul and be welcomed in all that you are and all that you are not. To know that, as a woman, you are not alone. Friendships between women provide a safe place to share in the experiences of life as a woman.

(Captivating, 176-180)

Truth vs. a lie

Food for Life
Romans 16
"I urge you, {sisters and} brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving the Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people. Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I am full of joy over you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil. The God peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. That grace of our Lord Jesus be with you" (16:17-21)

This is the last chapter in the book of Romans. Paul summarizes his teachings, admonitions, warnings, instruction, and encouragement in this Scripture by reminding the believers to be responsible and accountable for themselves in knowing the Truth of Scripture. The way for them, and us, to do this is to be reading, meditating, studying, and practicing Scripture ourselves. So, when we hear, read, or in other ways are presented with teaching that is contrary to Scripture, we will be able to detect this ourselves - we will not be deceived by flattery, charisma, persuasion, or debate; which then leads to division and obstacles among us.

The ending of Paul's letter to the Romans records his admonition to be "wise in what is good, and innocent about what is evil." Wow, I love this. We are exhorted/called to be wise in all things good, and to veer so far away from evil, that we are just innocent, un-knowledgeable or even naive about the details of evil...Let it be Lord.

You may have heard that in order for money handlers to be able to distinguish real money from counterfeit, they are expert in real money. So, when they see counterfeit, they know it is counterfeit b/c it veers from the real...not b/c they know all the details of counterfeit. As you may imagine, there are so many ways to make money counterfeit that it really would be impossible to know them all and identify them. BUT real money is real money. As it is with God's way...God's Truth...if we know the Truth then we will easily detect when something is amiss...even if we can't describe all the ways something is amiss, or even if we can't actually 'put our finger on it', we just know that it isn't the Truth.

"Lord, I pray You would move in each one of our hearts and minds in such a way that we would increasingly thirst and hunger after You; in reading and meditating on Your Word and seeking the Holy Spirit to reveal all Truth to us. Thank You that You are able. Thank You that in You, Satan is and will be crushed under our feet, and that even now, we can receive Your Grace Lord Jesus. Thank You Lord."

Friday, September 17, 2010


"Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do it " Psalm 37:5).

Without this commitment, commitment to the Lord, all other commitments will eventually or in Glory.

"Lord, help us to see our need for You and for Your ways, help us to see the need we for relationship commitment to You as #1...let us today be in greater fellowship commitment with You than we were yesterday...and not as much as tomorrow :), thank You Lord"

Hope that doesn't disappoint

Dear Ones,
Today is a day of great (earthly) trial...there are so many serious issues going on with the house in which I live, and I have little understanding and no ability to actually correct/fix the issues! Yet, in the midst, by God's grace, I see the opportunity to lean on the Lord, to depend and trust Him to work these things out...whatever 'working these things out' may not be worked out according to my understanding...BUT GOD...I trust His understanding and ask the Lord for 'ears to hear, eyes to see, and heart and mind to follow' where God is leading in the matters at hand.
By God's grace I already see how the Holy Spirit is working in me and through me as I respond to the situation and interact with those involved. It amazes me that I'm not 'loosing my patience or temper' and at the same time able to articulate clearly what needs to be said. That is God...and I thank Him.
I'm not sure what this testimony has to do with the Scripture that is our focus today - except that Hope is being spoke of - and I know that the situation I find myself in today is only possible to 'endure and find encouragement' in is because the God of the Scripture is my 'only Hope.'
How about you? do you have Hope today? If so, what is the source of your Hope? If not, I pray you find the only Hope that is sure..Our Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and Holy Spirit...

Romans 15: 2-6 :"Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. For even Christ did not please himself but, as it is written: 'The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.' For everything written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement o the Scriptures we might have hope. MAY the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Righteousness, Peace, Joy in the Holy Spirit

Remembering those who died on Sept 11, 2001 in terror-ism. Also remembering their families and friends who miss them.
Food for Life:
Romans 14

"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing God and approved by men" (Romans 14:17,18).

Paul is addressing the quarrels and disagreements and down right judgments that believers often place on one another - even against ourselves! He knew that folks of that time, as of today, would go beyond what Scripture says; that we would have a tendency to place our preferences and opinions on others and call it sin in matters where we are free to choose! Paul uses the example of eating and drinking because during his time-period folks would prepare food and drink as offerings to their gods - their idols.

Today we might call what Paul was addressing legalism. As you may know, legalism is when a person, a group, a local church, or even denomination takes a stand on something that may be a wise and good thing, or merely a preference, and call it a command or mandate of Scripture - which if not followed is sin. You might be able to think of some of those things.

A personal illustration has to do with music. When I first became a believer, I immediately got rid of all the music I listened to and started to only listen to music that was distinctly worship music or music whose lyrics were about God. Now, this was a personal choice/conviction of mine because I found that the music that I use to listen to took me to places in my mind and heart that were not edifying - it drew me thoughts away from Godly things. And it seemed to me, that for me, I would be sinning because of the music's effect on me. So - if I then took my conviction further and also took the position that EVERYONE must do what I did - they must only listen to "Christian" music - this would be what Paul is speaking against. "...everything that does not come from faith is sin" (14:23). For me, this issue was a matter of faith...I could not in good-conscious listen to the music I use to listen to. Does that mean, however, that everyone must give up all the music they use to listen to when they are born-again? Not necessarily. If there is music that folks listen to that builds them up in faith - that is enjoyable, that is artful and creative, and does not bring their minds to places of temptations - then it would be totally acceptable and even praiseworthy to do so!

An excerpt from Bible commentary is instructive: 14:1, "Who is weak in faith and who is strong? We are all weak in some areas and strong in others. Our faith is strong in an area if we can survive contact with sinners without falling into their patterns. It is weak in an area if we must avoid certain activities, people or places in order to protect our spiritual life. It is important to take a self-inventory in order to find out our strengths and weaknesses. Whenever in doubt, we should ask, "Can I do that without sinning? Can I influence others for good, rather than being influenced by them?" In areas of strength, we should not fear being defiled by the world; rather we should go and serve God. In areas of weakness, we need to be cautious. IF we have a strong faith but shelter it, we are not doing Christ's work in the world. If we have a weak faith but expose it, we are being extremely foolish" (p2053 NIV Study Bible).

"Lord, help us to have wisdom to know where we are in You. To know that which builds us up and others around us, and that which compromises and tears down. Lord, help us to ask, "Does this bring You Glory, Lord" and then be willing to follow You in what we hear. Help us to take our liberty in Christ and live fully and richly; help us to not take our liberty in Christ and squander it on that which does not honor You. Thank You Lord. We love you."

Friday, September 10, 2010

"The hour has come.."

Romans 13 (continued)

"And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed" (Romans 13:11).

What are we "to do?" As we reflected last writing, we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. Love as in 1 Corinthians 13 style. Love as in acting in the best interest of another (which, as you know, is not always what one is asking for, or always in agreeing with someone...BUT whatever action is taken or word spoken - is always in love). Love as in thinking of another before ourselves - that doesn't mean we don't think about ourselves, as in not respecting ourselves...but as in not being selfish, self-centered, and "I'm # 1 attitude...

"...understanding this present time." What is this present time? How can Paul mean the same thing in @ AD 57 and we read this in AD 2010, as 'this present time?' How can 'the hour has come' in 57 and 2010? Paul is speaking from God's perspective - in God one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as one day. There are volumes of commentary written on just this verse - and my approach is very simplistic. However, when it comes right down to it, simplicity is how we live out the Word of God day to day. Simply put, we are told that we don't know the hour of Jesus' return. We don't know when 'life as we know it (on this earth), will end. But we DO KNOW that we are to be ready...and in this present time, Jesus could come....even before you read this writing.

Additionally, today is the day, this moment is the moment to 'love our neighbor as ourselves'; today is the day to wake up from our slumber - each moment is precious - today 'our salvation (the 2nd coming of Jesus) is nearer now than when we first believed'...

Are you and I living in expectation of meeting Jesus face to face, right now? Are we 'putting aside the deeds of darkness and putting on the armor of light? Are we behaving decently...not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery ("excessive indulgence in sensual pleasure"), not in dissension ("Strong disagreement or contention, discord") and jealousy'(13:12,13)?
Instead of these things, are we 'clothing ourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ (the qualities of Jesus - love, humility, truth, servant-heart) and not thinking about how to gratify desires of the sinful nature'(13:14)?

"Dear Lord, please forgive us for anyways we have not loved our neighbor as ourselves (show us these things individually Lord). What have we not done that we ought, and what have we done that we ought not have done? We are sorry. Please help us to live today in light of seeing You face to face any moment; help us to love as You love us, putting on the qualities of You - we need Your Holy Spirit to help us - we can't do these thing, love the way You do, in our own power or strength. We can't really even want to love as You do, without You giving us the desire. Thank You Lord for Your continue grace and mercy, which enables us to grow in You. Even so, come Lord Jesus, come."

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Law of Love

Food for Life:
Romans 13

Today let's stop at 13:1, because if you are like me, you read that and had a lot of questions...especially when looking at the present state of governing authorities throughout the world; and past governing authorities! Let's read a short commentary on 13:1...and prayerfully we will hear the Lord speak to our questions related to 13:1.

Romans 13:1, "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."

"Christians understand Romans 13 in different ways. All Christians agree that we are to live at peace with the state as long as the stat allow us to live by our religious convictions. For hundreds of years, however, there have been at least three interpretations of how e are to do this:
1) Some Christians believe that the state is so corrupt that Christians should have a s little to do with it as possible. Although they should be good citizens as long as they can do so without compromising their beliefs, they should not work for the government, vote in elections, or serve in the military.
2) Others believe that God has given the state authority in certain areas and the church authority in other areas. Christians can be loyal to both and can work for either. They should not, however, confuse the wot. In this view, church and state are concerned with two totally different sphere - the spiritual and the physical - and thus complement each other but do not work together.
3) Still others believe that Christians have a responsibility to make the state better. They can do this politically, by electing Christian or other high-principled leaders. They can also do this morally, by serving as an influence for good in society. In this view, church and state ideally work together for the good of all.
None of these views advocate rebelling against or refusing to obey the government's laws or regulations unless those laws clearly require you to violate the moral standards revealed by God. Wherever we find ourselves, we must be responsible citizens, as well as responsible Christians" (p2052 NIV Study Bible).

We read farther down in Romans 13:8-10 - "Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law. The commandments, "Do not commit adultery," "Do not murder," "Do not steal," "Do not covet," and whatever other commandment there may be, are summed up in this one rule: "Love your neighbor as yourself." Love does no harm to his neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law."

As followers of Christ, we can be sure we are following the laws of the state and our higher governing authority, God - by loving others...which is a 'debt' we can never repay. This debt of love we owe because of the Love God showed us through Jesus Christ. And what if there is a state law that is apart from God's law of Love? I think of slavery, I think of abortion - those are not the only two, but they are what comes to mind. Slavery - enslaving another human being as being less than human - is clearly against God and God's law of Love. Abortion - taking the life of an innocent one in the womb - is clearly against God and God's law of Love.
So, whether slavery (was legal in the US at one time) or abortion (which is legal NOW in the US) is the law of the governing authorities or not; as believers, we are to obey God - the law of Love and denounce both - even if it is legal....

"God help us to hear Your voice above the din of our surrounding culture, the voices of loved ones, and our own voice - help us to read and meditate on You in Your Word in a way that makes a difference in the way we think, feel, and act out the precious lives You have given us to live, today. Thank You for loving each one of us. We love You."

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Overcome evil with good.

Often Paul writes so clearly that explanation muddles! What is the Holy Spirit saying to you as you read these Words of Life?
" Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.
Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. IF it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord. On the contrary: 'If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.'
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Romans 12:9-21).
"Speak to our hearts Holy Spirit in the things that are for each one of us today. I thank You that all this is possible in the power of Your Holy Spirit; none of it is possible in our own strength or will. Thank You for loving us Lord."