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Friday, August 27, 2010

Salvation in no other Name

Romans 11

This chapter is rich with theology based on Paul's reviewing and teaching on how God acted in History in the Israel nation. Paul is speaking to the Messianic Jews, Jews like himself who were born-again. He is pointing out to them that not all Jews had rejected Jesus; there was still a faithful remnant, and how God sent him to the Gentiles because of his fellow Jews (as a whole) had rejected Jesus. Paul also speaks to the future salvation of the Israelite nation - that there will be individual Jews who will be saved - saved in the same way as Gentiles (Romans 17-24). Paul emphasizes that whether Jew or Gentile, all are saved by grace through faith in Christ - no one is saved through cultural heritage.
There are differing interpretations of the future salvation of Israel, as taught by Paul. One author writes, "Some say the phrase "And so all Israel will be saved" means that the majority of Jews in the final generation befor Christ's return will turn to Christ for salvation. Others say that Paul is using the term 'Israel' for the "spiritual" nation of Israel made up of everyone - Jew and Gentile - who has received salvation through faith in Christ. Thus all Israel (or all believers) will receive God's promised gift of salvation. Still others say that all Israel means Israel as a whole will have a role in Christ's Kingdom. Their identity as a people won't be discarded. God chose the nation of Israel and He has never rejected it. He also chose the church, through Jesus Christ, and He will never reject it either. This does not mean, of course, that all Jews or all church members will be saved. It is possible to belong to a nation or to an organization without ever responding in faith. But just because some people have rejected Christ does not mean that God stops working with either Israel or the church. He continues to offer salvation freely to all. Still others say that the phrase "and so" means "in this way" or "this is how," referring to the necessity of faith in Christ" ( NIVp2048).
How does this teaching in Romans 11 impact you and me? It is by grace through faith we have been saved and this is not a work of our own, that any of us can boast" (Ephesians 2:8-11). The Jewish race, chosen by God, to usher in salvation through Jesus Christ, is not forgotten by God and what is happening in current events of the Middle East is not just for this earthly point in time, but has a place in the Revelation of God in Christ - has been prophesied for centuries, as written in the Word of God.
So, as we hear the news of today, let's prayerfully consider the times we are living in, from God's perspective as revealed in Scripture. Let's be 'wise as serpents and gentle as doves' (Matthew 10:16)...praying in the Spirit at all times everywhere for all the saints throughout the world (Ephesians 6:18). Let's pray that everyone who will come to Jesus, will come - even now.
"Lord, help us to be aware and understand the sign of our times, as revealed in Your Word and around us everyday, until Jesus, You come."

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Romans 10

" heart's desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved" (10:1). The Apostle Paul expresses his passionate prayer for the Israelites, that they would be saved. That they would know God through the Lord Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Many of them, like Paul (aka Saul) once was, were very zealous for God's law; they had rich tradition and religious practice. But Saul turned Paul when He literally saw the Light; Jesus Christ Himself spoke to Saul through revealing Himself to him...Saul was never the same...He was changed, He was saved, He became Paul. He was zealous for God's law, he persecuted and even advocated the killing of those who were followers of The Way...followers of the God-man, Christ.
Because of what God did in his life, Paul was now zealous for Jesus Christ, as a forgiven, new man. He had come to know personally, The Way, The Truth, and The Life (John 14:6) and his utmost earthly desire which was an eternally motivated and everlasting goal, was for his fellow-Israelites to be saved - to be born-again, to personally be in a transformational relationship with Jesus.
That is my deepest desire, for my loved ones, neighbors, acquaintances - whoever will - to be saved. My motivation to pray more fervently for this is renewed as I read of Paul's 'heart desire' - as I read Romans 10 which gives a clear message of how one is saved.'
How about you? Are you saved today? Is your ever-increasing heart's desire that your loved ones be saved? Let's commit ourselves before the Lord and one another to pray for their salvation. Today.
"Lord, thank You for how Your Word speaks to our hearts through Your Holy Spirit. I pray today Lord that if anyone reading this message is not saved, that today would be the day, now would be the moment when they would 'confess with their mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in their heart that God raised Him from the dead. For it is with our heart that we believe and are justified, and it is with our mouth that we confess and are saved' (10:9 ,10). Thank You Lord. And Lord move by Your Spirit in a way that would continually increase our heart's desire for the salvation of loved ones and others, even Israel, to be saved and that our desire would be followed up with prayer and whatever actions You would have us to carry out. Thank You Lord."

Monday, August 23, 2010

To Whom Much is Given

"To whom much is given, much is required", has been on my mind and heart lately. The Lord has been impressing upon me the necessity of sharing what I have been given. It's like the saying that "we are blessed to be a blessing." This is not a new reality for me, for the Lord has at different periods in my life called my attention to it. Luke 12:48 says, "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked" (NIV-New International Version). The NASB (New American Standard Bible) states it this way, "From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more."

This parable of Jesus is used by Him to describe our action and attitude upon His arrival at His Second Coming. It conveys the obligation/expectation of a master/employer to the servant/employee as being illustrative of our relationship to what the Lord has given or entrusted to us and how we are to manage and be stewards over of these things.

These things are the talents, gifts, resources, treasures, skills, and things of this life that we possess. I write 'we possess' because that is often how we may view the assets for which we are responsible. But it is clear that 'all that we have' has been given and entrusted to us - including our lives - are not our own, but on loan from the Lover of our souls. As such, we are required to use them in blessing others! And the more we have been given, the more is asked of us!

So, I have an unsettledness within me, because it seems that I'm not 'doing all the more' that is asked and required of me, based on all that God has deposited, entrusted and given to me! At least this is what I'm thinking and it is causing me to feel dissatisfied with my current state of serving the Lord.

How about you? Do you understand that all your gifts, skills, talent, material possessions, and resources have been given to you, entrusted to you from the Lord? And so, as a steward - a person who manages another's property or financial affairs; one who manages anything as an agent of another or others - are you blessing others with those things, with your life? Are you returning the 'much more' that is asked of you based on all you have to manage?

"Lord, I thank You for the lives You have given each one of us. I thank You for how You have blessed us, entrusted us with Your blessings, that we in turn may bless others. I pray God that You would speak to each one of us in this area, and that You would reveal to me, and others, what You have given, what You require, and the grace and strength to carry out all that You ask... for Your Glory, for the good of others, and for our good; that Your Kingdom would come on earth as it is in heaven. Lord, I also ask that we would see all You have given and require as being based on Your Love relationship with us and others. Thank You Lord."