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Monday, November 29, 2010

Sufferings and Comfort

2 Corinthians 1:5-7

This is such an important part of Scripture - as many of us wonder about the troubles of this life...the why's and wherefore's. We wonder 'how come this is happening to me?" Or, "how come that is happening to them, or in the world?" Many times we will not have a specific answer..perhaps we will in eternity...however I'm thinking we won't have the same questions then. So let's look at a few of these verses individually.

"For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ." Paul is telling us that there is a relationship between the sufferings we experience in this life, and the comfort we receive from Christ. We will receive the portion of comfort needed...actually the sufferings. Thank You Lord. Note something else. Paul experienced tremendous, abundant sufferings...for Christ sake. As he preached and taught the Scripture, and followed the leading of the Holy Spirit, and exercised the gift of the Spirit given him (healing, prophecy, wisdom, exhortation, rebuke, teaching etc.) he experienced sufferings. ....What are my sufferings related to? How many of them are related to the cause of Christ?...What about you?

I'm thankful to the Lord because the sufferings I experience here, even if I bring them on myself, through confession,repentance, receiving forgiveness and cleansing...God's comfort abounds. He may not take away the earthly consequences, but He carries me with His grace and mercy and does a Romans 8:28 (look it up if you aren't familiar:)).

"If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer." Wow, Paul as minister of Jesus, states his distress is for believers he is ministering to. His distress is used for their comfort because he shares the same comfort he receives from God, with them when they are distressed. He also is distressed/persecuted for (Christ sake) them so that they may know the way of salvation! He then states that when they are comforted by God, it helps them endure, with patience, their trials - their sharings of the sufferings that Paul suffers. Brothers and Sisters - and so it is with you and me. We experience distress in walking with and ministering in Jesus, we experience comfort from the Lord in the distress, we pass that on to others, and we are helped to endure with patience, sufferings of this life. Hallelujah, what a Savior! Hallelujah, what a Comforter (the Holy Spirit)!

"And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort." We receive hope which is firm, in this reality! The reality of the relationship between the sufferings for Christ, the sufferings of this life, and the comfort we receive. For ourselves and for others. This is part of what it means to be the Body of Christ, such as we are, the church.

"Thank You Lord. Help us to see with Your eyes, the sufferings and comfort from You of this life. Let us share Your/our sufferings and Comfort, producing patient endurance for this life on earth....and for what awaits us in Glory!"

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The God of All Comfot

2 Corinthians 1:1-4

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, The Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all of our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God."

Did you know that when God comforts you in your troubles, He does so, so that we in turn can comfort others in their troubles, with the same comfort we have received from the Lord? Awesome, isn't it? Awesome, isn't He? Just think of it. When I'm experiencing pain, difficulty, trouble, confusion, heartache, depression, and devastation - and turn to the Lord in it - God comforts me. God speaks to me. God reassures me that God is trustworthy, faithful, able, all wise, all knowing, all powerful, everywhere all at the same time (omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent :)), and only good. Paul guarantees us, (I guarantee you :)), that in turning to the Lord and staying before Him, somehow, in a way that only God can do, we will receive comfort from Him.

And then, just as we have, God will then use us to share God's comfort with others. You don't need to know the answers (although sometimes you will), you don't need to 'fix it' (although sometimes you can), you don't need to remove the trouble (although sometimes you will be able to)...BUT His grace and mercy, by His ever-present goodness - working through you - you will be able to give comfort as you have been comforted by the Lord.

So, I so grateful to the Lord for His comfort. And I'm so grateful that when I don't know what to do (many times :)), I can seek the Lord and just ask Him to help me offer the same comfort to a hurting, confused, pained one - that He gave to this hurting, confused, and pained one.

"Lord, thank You that You always give comfort, You always give Yourself to me in trouble. And thank You Lord that You then are able and purposing for me to be used by You to do so unto others, as You have done to me. I love you Lord, thank You for loving me, thank You for Loving us."

Friday, November 26, 2010

Do everything in Love

1 Corninthians 16

“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love” (vs. 13,14).

I’m so grateful to the Lord for how He’s insured to be recorded in Scripture the very things we need ‘for life and Godliness” (2 Peter 1:3). I’m so thankful that not only is Scripture relevant, pertinent, necessary, and spot-on for life on earth, and a glimpse of Glory; But God, through His Spirit, through fellowship with the Body of Christ, has empowered us with what we need to live for God!

Paul tells the Corinthians in these verses, ‘Be on your guard.’ He has instructed them in many things throughout his previous writings in 1 Corinthians. These verses are his wrap up. So, he exhorts them, to be vigilant, to be alert, in the things he has shared, so that they are not deceived. To guard themselves by practicing the spiritual disciplines which position them (us) to meet the Lord and receive continually His empowerment. – For us – read and study the Word and meditate on it, seeking the Lord’s presence in it; be prayerful, be in fellowship with brothers and sisters who also are seeking the Lord, serve the Lord with the spirituals gifts He has given you, and put on the full armor of God (Ephesisan 6:10-18).

God has had this recorded in the Word because He knew we would need to (be reminded) guard ourselves.

Paul exhorts us to stand firm in the faith. As we practice the spiritual disciplines above (there are other spiritual disciplines as well, really anything that helps position ourselves to grow in the Lord) we are enabled to stand firm, as our faith is continually strengthened. Stand firm, don’t waiver, don’t be carried away by what is not of the Lord. Sometimes deception is the most rational, logical, practical argument…and opposite of what God’s design is for us.

God has had this recorded in the Word because He knew we would need to (be reminded) stand firm in the faith.

Be courageous. Paul tells us to be courageous…knowing that there would be much in this world to fear in and of ourselves…one can only be courageous – courage is only revealed – in the face of what is fearful, difficult, dangerous, and cause for shrinking back. Only with the assurance of God’s presence, protection, and guidance can we be courageous.

God has had this recorded in the Word because He knew we would need to (be reminded) be courageous.

Be strong. “Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His Might/in His mighty power” (Ephesians 6:10). Paul exhorts us to be strong. Really, if we are on guard, if we stand firm in the faith, if we are courageous, we will be strong. This is how we become strong. The essence of which is revealed through our dependence the Lord’s mighty, divine power.

God has had this recorded in the Word because He knew we would need to (be reminded) be strong.

And finally, Paul reminds the Corinthians and us that everything is to be done in love. Love is the common denominator. Love is the motivator – both of the one loving and being blessed with love. God is love. We hear from Paul that love is the most excellent way (1 Corinthians 13). In fact, Paul could very well have stated (again) that if you are on guard, if you stand firm in faith, if you are courageous, if you are strong, but it is not in love…it is all for naught, it is worthless.

God has had this recorded in the Word because He knew we would need to (be reminded) do everything in love.

“Lord thank You that You have provided me (us) as Your sons and daughters, everything we need to be on guard, to stand firm in faith, to be courageous, to be strong, and to do all in love. Please show me (us) ways in which we could follow these reminders more fully. Even so Maran atha – Come Lord – we love You.”

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Death Has No Victory!

1 Corinthians 15:35-58

"Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?...Therefore, dear ones, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain"(vs 55,58).

Paul continues to confirm that Christ's resurrection and thus our resurrection is reality, an eternal reality, and the very reality that gives us hope, the only hope for this current world system! He explains that while we don't know, we are not told, the exact details of our resurrected bodies, when Christ returns, we can know some things. We know that we who are in Christ, will be resurrected when Jesus calls/returns and that those who are still physically alive on this earth when Christ raptures/calls for us - we will all be changed - we will have 'glorified' bodies - bodies that were physically mortal and inevitably readied for destruction through disease, decay, and death (perishable) - will be raised up and changed to imperishable bodies; bodies like the body of Jesus when he rose from the grave. Bodies that are recognizable yet will never die, will never decay, will not be destroyed! Bodies with no aliments, disabilities, or physical limitations.

And then, because of Jesus' resurrection - that which the Devil meant for death - was/is actually victory, because Jesus rose from the dead! Jesus overcame the destruction and death-wish of Satan...and so, therefore will we!!! Paul says in Romans that we are MORE than conquerors in Christ (Romans 8:37)!

And because this (present world) is 'not all there is'...because we will live on with Christ in eternity after our earthly demise, we have hope! We have a forever hope - therefore Paul admonishes, exhorts, encourages - he tells us to stand firm (in Christ). Don't let anything (of this earth/world system/the Devil) move us from our firm standing in Christ. Don't think that our labor/work/ministry in and for the Lord is in vain, for nothing. Even though we can't see the fruit, the victory right now...know that we DO have the victory and we will experience it in eternity and for eternity with Christ! God has set eternity in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11)!

"Lord, help us to 'see' Reality, Your Reality which is also ours in Christ. Sometimes we are so weighed down by what we see and experience in these earthly can be really hard. BUT GOD, help us by Your Spirit to see Reality - reality of eternity, here and forever with You. Lord, Help the Spiritual Reality of You and eternity be more powerful in our current lives...than our current circumstances - and the circumstances swirling around us. We have a higher calling. Help us to live it. Thank You Lord. Be glorified in our lives now, as we will be glorified in Yours for eternity."

Monday, November 22, 2010

"Is This All There Is"

1 Corinthians 15:12-34
"If I fought wild beasts in Ephesus for merely human reasons, what have I gained? If the dead are not raised,
'Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die'" (vs 32).

There is an older pop song, you may or may not remember or have heard it - because it was before your time for most that are reading this :) The song had this refrain, "If that's all there is my friend, then let's keep dancing, let's bring out the booze, and have a ball, if that's all there is...." This is what the Apostle Paul is saying in this Scripture. His premise is likely different than that of Peggy Lee's rendition of, "Is This All There Is?"; but the conclusion is the same.

Peggy is singing about the tragedies of life that have befallen the subject of the song. She is lamenting that if all there is to this life on earth is heartache, sorrow, and suffering, then - why not - why not just 'live it up'? Who cares? Why not just live with reckless abandon with a lifetime of partying?

Paul is saying - if all there is, is this EARTHLY life; if there is not eternal life after this earthly body is dead, if there is no resurrection unto glorified bodies, living forever with Jesus....then why risk my life in fighting wild risking my life for Christ? Paul says, if Christ was not raised from the dead, and thus you and I looking forward to being raised up (after this earthly life) with Christ - to live forever with Him...then, let's just continually fill our fleshly, earthly appetites; like eating and drinking until we die!

Of course, Paul is speaking rhetorically - he is chastising/rebuking those of his day who once heard and believed of Christ's resurrection, but were carried away by other (false) teachings and started believing that there was no resurrected Christ, and that neither would they be resurrected.

And so, the Lord says to us. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. As read in the Word (even vs 1-11), believe the Jesus Christ as recorded in Scripture. Believe in the testimonies of not only those who saw Jesus first hand (as recorded in Scripture) but believe present day testimonies of the saints (that is you and I who are saved!) of how God has worked in and through their (our) lives! Don't live today as if this is 'all there is.' Don't squander your lives with drinking, partying, fulfilling earthly appetites...wasting the precious life God has given you today - for the sake of Christ and others who need Jesus!

In eternity, our lives on this earth will matter. They matter today but they also matter for ETERNITY!

"Oh God, please forgive me for the ways I've squandered, lived less than who You created me to be. For the ways in which I've lived that have said, "this is all there is", instead of 'my life matters, my life counts, I count for today and for eternity...for God!' Lord, help us today to see the ways in which we are living for the things of this earth alone, rather than for You. Thank You Lord. Help us by Your Spirit. We need You glorified Lord. Thank You."

Saturday, November 20, 2010

God knows the way I take.

Job 23:10

"But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I will come forth as gold."

Dear Ones, This morning I woke to a reality of alone-ness. You know, the feeling that creeps upon us sometimes. The feeling that is not dependent on our circumstances, on those who are around us or not around us; that is not a respecter of persons. The alone-liness that is part of the human condition and will not be fully extinguished until we see Him face to face in glory.

The first thing this morning, however, the feeling didn't hit me as described above. It first hit me as, "I feel lonely." Thinking that I feel lonely because of the circumstances of (my) life today. I thought, "I wish Lord you would tell me Your point (of my circumstances)..?" Almost immediately, I heard, "But I know the way you take, and when I have tested you, you will come forth as (pure) gold."

Wow. So I knew this was what Job had written. I googled the exact verse, and then opened my Bible to Job 23:10. And then tears welled up in my eyes, as an overflow of my heart (even as I write this), because God spoke (is speaking) to me. And, you know how this is (I hope), that I am experiencing both comfort and an unsettledness, at the same time. That is the cross of Christ...isn't it? Both suffering and the same time. Only in Christ. Only in Christ is this true - conflicting (seemingly) emotions - both true at the same time.

Now, in using this example, of the Cross of Christ, I am not comparing myself or (my) life to that of Jesus. Nor is (my) life anywhere near the circumstances of Job's (as described in his book); nor am I seeing my walk with Jesus, as Job's was with God (Job is described as a man who "was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil" (Job 1:1).

The point is, that God has given His Word and preserved it for us so that we can see Who He is, who we are as people, how He works in the affairs of people, and thus how He moves in our present day lives. And how He speaks to us today, through His Spirit which indwells us who believe and are saved, according to His Word.

So, when I asked the Lord this morning, or actually just made a statement to God, "I wish I knew Your point," He spoke very clearly to me. "I know the way you take" - so regardless of how I feel or what I think, or what my present circumstance, God knows me intimately - God knows every point in every second of my life, today....He knows the way I take.

And then, "when I have tested you." - God is using the circumstances of my life to deepen the gift of faith in Christ that He has given me; to burn off the dross/the surface rust, KEEPING me by His Grace the entire time.

And then the outcome, the goal, the end....the point of it all, "you will come forth as (pure) gold." Wow. The example of the most lasting earthly element...just as a comparison that I (we) can understand. And the "point of it all" ultimately, (is to) brings Glory to God.

So here I sit. Experiencing the presence of the Christ, His precious Holy Spirit, with me. Have circumstances changed? No. Will I experience the aloneness, loneliness again? Yes, and I hope so. Because, God used (uses) that to bring me to Himself. To remind me. To remind me of Who God is, what God has done, what God is doing, and the relationship we have (God and I) because of Christ and the Holy Spirit.

How about you? What is God's point in your present circumstance and the thoughts and feelings you experience? Ask God. And wait for God's answer. Wait for God's Presence...which actually is even better than the answer.

"Lord, I pray that how You have revealed Yourself to me this morning would speak to those reading this today - please take my feeble attempt to describe how You have spoken to me, to reach the heart and spirit of the dear ones reading - giving them hope, encouragement, and a spurring on in their present circumstances. For Your Glory, our good, and the good of others. Thanks for loving us Lord."

The rest of the subsequent verses Job 23:10-17).

" My feet have closely followed His steps; I have kept to His way without turning aside. I have not departed from the commands of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my daily bread. But H stands alone, and who can oppose Him? He does whatever He pleases, He carries out His decree against me, and many such plans He sill has in store. That is why I am terrified before Him; when I think of all this, I fear Him. God has made my heart faint; and the Almighty has terrified me. Yet I am not silenced by the darkness, by the thick darkness that covers my face"
(vs 10-17).

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Gospel of Grace

1 Corinthians 15:1-11

"By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain"(vs2).

The Gospel and Grace. These are the themes of this portion of Scripture. Actually, the Theme of the Word of God - we are saved by Grace through faith, not a work of our own that we can boast (Ephesians 2:8). Paul is confirming and affirming to the folks he is preaching/writing to that the Gospel (vs 3-7, the gospel in a nutshell :)) he has preached, they have heard and believed, is the Word for them to hold on to...least they believe in vain.

Others were preaching that there is no resurrection from the dead....Christ did not raise from the dead. Paul makes it clear that Christ's resurrection was/is an historical fact. He cites those that walked with Christ in the flesh, and then those same and others (including himself at a later date) who saw Christ when He appeared to them AFTER His resurrection.

Paul explains that he works 'harder than all others' because of his past. Because he was one who actually chased after, captured, persecuted 'followers of the way'; ....and then he was knocked of his horse and blinded by the Light....Jesus appeared to him and set him straight. Jesus saved him. Jesus went on to tell him that he would suffer and be persecuted himself in light of his actions, and many would be saved as a result. Paul makes it clear however, that it wasn't that he was high and mighty because he 'worked harder', but it was because of and through GOD'S GRACE that he was saved and enable to do so.

Paul is BIG on grace. I recall a dear one who said, "I've done so many bad things, I can't be saved." He was then led to hear about and read about the Apostle Paul; persecutor of Believers, 'chief of sinners', saved by God's Grace and turned into God's man. This dear one, with tears in his eyes then said, 'oh, I guess I can be saved...what must I do.' He was then led to pray, confess, repent, received Christ's forgiveness, filled with the Holy Spirit, be born-again. What a rejoicing moment - not only of those present, but of the angels in heaven.

I am big on grace too. How about you. If it were not for God's grace I would not be able to stand....neither would you. Even if a one does not recognize God's grace toward him/ does not change the fact. It is only by God's grace that we...are. What do you see today that requires an extra measure of God's grace? "Lord, I need your grace today. I'm tired and weary. Troubled in my sleep with the cares of this world and loved ones. OH GOD. I receive Your Grace today - in this moment. You say that 'Your grace is sufficient for Your power is perfected in my weakness...I am weak...You are strong...I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Dear One, I pray you make this your prayer now - in whatever form and circumstance of life you find yourself in today. Love and prayers, Robin

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Edifying the Church Gathered

1 Corinthians 14

Paul continues to speak to the Corinthians about order in the church - public gathering - and the reasons for spiritual gifts. There was a need for him to speak about the gift of tongues and prophecy specifically. His point is that the time of public gathering of the church is for the purpose of worshipping God and the spiritual gifts are for the purpose of edifying - building up - the body of Christ.

Spiritual gifts are given to individuals to be used in the context of the gathered church. If tongues (unknown languages and/or utterances) is used in the gathered church, then it must be understood by those gathered - it must be interpreted. So, believers gathered would be encouraged, taught, exhorted, rebuked - and unbelievers would see/hear the power of God in their midst, and (prayerfully) believe in Christ!

Prophecy is the same - the preaching and teaching of the Word - and/or folks sharing something God has given them for the particular believers gathered - also must be clearly spoken for those gathered. Otherwise, it is for naught. In the last part of this chapter - vs34,35 - is (also) controversial, but need not be. Is Paul saying that women should not speak in church? No - read 11:5; and chapter 12-14 - clearly women are gifted by God to prophesy and speak and pray in public worship. Paul is speaking to this particular congregation, where in, apparently there was much disorder and disunity. In the Corinthian culture women weren't allowed to question men in public, and in the church this was happening with questions that could easily have been answered 'at home' (p2085, NIV Life Application Study Bible).

"God, help us to seek You with pure hearts, to desire unity, purpose, and building up of Your Kingdom, in the midst of the church gathered. Forgive us for the times we strive to 'have our own way', to show off and show up; fill us to overflowing with the 'rivers of Living Water', such that the "words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts would be pleasing and acceptable in Your sight" (Ps 19:14); and would be for the building up, edifying toward salvation for those unbelievers, and growth for those who are saved. Thank You Lord."

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Greatest of These

1 Corinthians 13:8-13

"Love never fails....And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love" (vs8, 13).

"She doesn't love me anymore. He doesn't love her anymore. I love hot dogs. I love that car. I love BBQ chicken." Today, like in the Corinthian church, folks were very confused about love - the nature of love and what love really means. This one really gets me, "Love means never having to say you're sorry." Wow - actually, it is just the opposite, it is very important to say we are sorry for hurting, offending, falling short of loving those that are in our family, the family of God, and our friends.

Our society, our culture, and in the church at large - we don't really know what love is. The tendency is to use the word love for infatuation, lust, hormonal feelings, and the appetite of our eyes and our taste buds. That is why we can say, "I don't love you anymore; I use to love you, the 'feeling' is gone...." That is why we can say we love food - because it tastes good. Or we love a Porsche because it looks good, or we can say we don't love a spouse anymore, because the romantic feelings that begin a relationship are gone.

As we read 1 Corinthians 13, we discover quickly that none of those above understandings of love are the real deal. For marriage, God certainly has given us what we need to be attracted to a potential husband or wife, and those feelings can be roused throughout marriage (and should be) but those feelings aren't the foundation of love.

Love is patient, it is kind, seeks the other's best, isn't never fails. Love is an action word. It is a verb, not a noun. It is God given (God is Love 1 John 4:8, Romans 5:5)) and Jesus procured (John 15:13) and Holy Spirit maintained (Galatians 5:22,23). This is why Love never fails. Love has its origins in God, is given to us through Jesus and helps us to pass it on to others through the Holy Spirit. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. God has always been, is, and willl always be. It is out of Love that we even exist - that we were created. It is out of Love that Jesus died, to set us free so that we could blossom into the people God created us to be and we have been given the Holy Spirit in Whom and through Whom we live on this now and forever in eternity.

So, all the gifts, including those described in 1 Corinthians 13 will pass away, as this known earth passes away, but Love will last forever. We experience love through the gift of Faith in Christ (Ephesians 2:8), we receive Hope through the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5) and because of these two, Faith and Hope, we can Love.

"Lord, forgive me (us) for the ways we have defined love. Forgive me (us) Lord for taking on the surrounding culture's definition of love. Thank You for making a way for me (us) to be loved, receive love, and give love. Help me (us) to receive more and more of Your Love so that I (we) in turn can love the way You love. And it will last forever. Thank You Lord."

Friday, November 5, 2010

Real Love

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

Paul continues to describe what Love really looks like - which easily helps us discover how far the distance is between real love, unconditional love - and love as defined and acted out by the world today. The people of Paul's day must also have had the wrong understanding of love, even as we do today in our society.

So the question is, "How am I doing in the 'real love' department?" How does the way I actively display love reflect the descriptives in Paul's declaration? Well....I have a long way to go to love. I need the Holy Spirit to continually empower me to love. As I grow in Christ, I will reflect, more and more, the way of Love. Without which, nothing else really matters.... How about you?

As I read and meditate on these verses, some really stick out to me...Love is patient - this is probably one of the most difficult for me...Love isn't self-seeking....this is another one - loving simply because God is Love, not an issue of being loved in return or what I will receive from the one I'm loving... How about you? Which aspect(s) of Love in these verses seem to be the biggest challenge for you?

"Lord, please forgive me for my times of impatience; for not laying aside 'myself' in loving others. God, I cannot Love apart from receiving Your Love and without the power of the Holy Spirit's continued transformation - Help me to love like You Lord....that You will be glorified, others will experience Your Love, and for my own good. Thank You Lord."

Thursday, November 4, 2010

But Have No Love

1 Corinthians 13:1-3
"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing."

Wow...basically the Apostle Paul is telling us that we could have all kinds of gifts/talents from the Holy Spirit, we could do all kinds of good works empowered by the Holy Spirit - but unless we have a heart of love, unless we carry out these great feats with a heart of love - then it not only amounts to nothing - but it is quite irritating (like listening to a gong or clanging...) - worth nothing, and in fact I am nothing....

I think this is enough to meditate on for now! Next time we will turn to the rest of the passage that describes exactly what Love looks like....

"Lord please forgive me (us) for the times that I minister/help/take action that is good, but without a spirit of love, compassion, and kindness - without the 'best interests' of the other in my heart. Lord, I (we) need You to fill me (us) with Your unconditional love - I (we) can't muster it up myself (ourselves) - You have to do that within. I (we) need Your help in receiving, continually the Love You have for me (us) so that I (we) can give Love to others. The measure of Love I (we) am/are able to receive from You, is the measure I (we) can give to others. Thank You Lord that You are able. Thank You for giving me (us) the desire to do/act all things out of Love. And not to just love others that love me (us), because that is not love, that is selfish motivation. But to love because You first loved me (us) and gave Yourself up for me (us). Thank You Lord."