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Monday, August 23, 2010

To Whom Much is Given

"To whom much is given, much is required", has been on my mind and heart lately. The Lord has been impressing upon me the necessity of sharing what I have been given. It's like the saying that "we are blessed to be a blessing." This is not a new reality for me, for the Lord has at different periods in my life called my attention to it. Luke 12:48 says, "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked" (NIV-New International Version). The NASB (New American Standard Bible) states it this way, "From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more."

This parable of Jesus is used by Him to describe our action and attitude upon His arrival at His Second Coming. It conveys the obligation/expectation of a master/employer to the servant/employee as being illustrative of our relationship to what the Lord has given or entrusted to us and how we are to manage and be stewards over of these things.

These things are the talents, gifts, resources, treasures, skills, and things of this life that we possess. I write 'we possess' because that is often how we may view the assets for which we are responsible. But it is clear that 'all that we have' has been given and entrusted to us - including our lives - are not our own, but on loan from the Lover of our souls. As such, we are required to use them in blessing others! And the more we have been given, the more is asked of us!

So, I have an unsettledness within me, because it seems that I'm not 'doing all the more' that is asked and required of me, based on all that God has deposited, entrusted and given to me! At least this is what I'm thinking and it is causing me to feel dissatisfied with my current state of serving the Lord.

How about you? Do you understand that all your gifts, skills, talent, material possessions, and resources have been given to you, entrusted to you from the Lord? And so, as a steward - a person who manages another's property or financial affairs; one who manages anything as an agent of another or others - are you blessing others with those things, with your life? Are you returning the 'much more' that is asked of you based on all you have to manage?

"Lord, I thank You for the lives You have given each one of us. I thank You for how You have blessed us, entrusted us with Your blessings, that we in turn may bless others. I pray God that You would speak to each one of us in this area, and that You would reveal to me, and others, what You have given, what You require, and the grace and strength to carry out all that You ask... for Your Glory, for the good of others, and for our good; that Your Kingdom would come on earth as it is in heaven. Lord, I also ask that we would see all You have given and require as being based on Your Love relationship with us and others. Thank You Lord."

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