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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Romans 10

" heart's desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved" (10:1). The Apostle Paul expresses his passionate prayer for the Israelites, that they would be saved. That they would know God through the Lord Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Many of them, like Paul (aka Saul) once was, were very zealous for God's law; they had rich tradition and religious practice. But Saul turned Paul when He literally saw the Light; Jesus Christ Himself spoke to Saul through revealing Himself to him...Saul was never the same...He was changed, He was saved, He became Paul. He was zealous for God's law, he persecuted and even advocated the killing of those who were followers of The Way...followers of the God-man, Christ.
Because of what God did in his life, Paul was now zealous for Jesus Christ, as a forgiven, new man. He had come to know personally, The Way, The Truth, and The Life (John 14:6) and his utmost earthly desire which was an eternally motivated and everlasting goal, was for his fellow-Israelites to be saved - to be born-again, to personally be in a transformational relationship with Jesus.
That is my deepest desire, for my loved ones, neighbors, acquaintances - whoever will - to be saved. My motivation to pray more fervently for this is renewed as I read of Paul's 'heart desire' - as I read Romans 10 which gives a clear message of how one is saved.'
How about you? Are you saved today? Is your ever-increasing heart's desire that your loved ones be saved? Let's commit ourselves before the Lord and one another to pray for their salvation. Today.
"Lord, thank You for how Your Word speaks to our hearts through Your Holy Spirit. I pray today Lord that if anyone reading this message is not saved, that today would be the day, now would be the moment when they would 'confess with their mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in their heart that God raised Him from the dead. For it is with our heart that we believe and are justified, and it is with our mouth that we confess and are saved' (10:9 ,10). Thank You Lord. And Lord move by Your Spirit in a way that would continually increase our heart's desire for the salvation of loved ones and others, even Israel, to be saved and that our desire would be followed up with prayer and whatever actions You would have us to carry out. Thank You Lord."

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