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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Righteousness, Peace, Joy in the Holy Spirit

Remembering those who died on Sept 11, 2001 in terror-ism. Also remembering their families and friends who miss them.
Food for Life:
Romans 14

"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing God and approved by men" (Romans 14:17,18).

Paul is addressing the quarrels and disagreements and down right judgments that believers often place on one another - even against ourselves! He knew that folks of that time, as of today, would go beyond what Scripture says; that we would have a tendency to place our preferences and opinions on others and call it sin in matters where we are free to choose! Paul uses the example of eating and drinking because during his time-period folks would prepare food and drink as offerings to their gods - their idols.

Today we might call what Paul was addressing legalism. As you may know, legalism is when a person, a group, a local church, or even denomination takes a stand on something that may be a wise and good thing, or merely a preference, and call it a command or mandate of Scripture - which if not followed is sin. You might be able to think of some of those things.

A personal illustration has to do with music. When I first became a believer, I immediately got rid of all the music I listened to and started to only listen to music that was distinctly worship music or music whose lyrics were about God. Now, this was a personal choice/conviction of mine because I found that the music that I use to listen to took me to places in my mind and heart that were not edifying - it drew me thoughts away from Godly things. And it seemed to me, that for me, I would be sinning because of the music's effect on me. So - if I then took my conviction further and also took the position that EVERYONE must do what I did - they must only listen to "Christian" music - this would be what Paul is speaking against. "...everything that does not come from faith is sin" (14:23). For me, this issue was a matter of faith...I could not in good-conscious listen to the music I use to listen to. Does that mean, however, that everyone must give up all the music they use to listen to when they are born-again? Not necessarily. If there is music that folks listen to that builds them up in faith - that is enjoyable, that is artful and creative, and does not bring their minds to places of temptations - then it would be totally acceptable and even praiseworthy to do so!

An excerpt from Bible commentary is instructive: 14:1, "Who is weak in faith and who is strong? We are all weak in some areas and strong in others. Our faith is strong in an area if we can survive contact with sinners without falling into their patterns. It is weak in an area if we must avoid certain activities, people or places in order to protect our spiritual life. It is important to take a self-inventory in order to find out our strengths and weaknesses. Whenever in doubt, we should ask, "Can I do that without sinning? Can I influence others for good, rather than being influenced by them?" In areas of strength, we should not fear being defiled by the world; rather we should go and serve God. In areas of weakness, we need to be cautious. IF we have a strong faith but shelter it, we are not doing Christ's work in the world. If we have a weak faith but expose it, we are being extremely foolish" (p2053 NIV Study Bible).

"Lord, help us to have wisdom to know where we are in You. To know that which builds us up and others around us, and that which compromises and tears down. Lord, help us to ask, "Does this bring You Glory, Lord" and then be willing to follow You in what we hear. Help us to take our liberty in Christ and live fully and richly; help us to not take our liberty in Christ and squander it on that which does not honor You. Thank You Lord. We love you."

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