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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

From the Inside Out

Galatians 6:11-18

"Those who want to make a good impression outwardly are tying to compel you to be circumcised. The only reason they do this is to avoid being persecuted for the cross of Christ" (vs 12).

From the inside out. This is the process by which God, through Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit, transforms us into the image of Christ! We who are saved, we who say, "yes, I believe in Jesus, I am a follower of Christ, I am a Christian" are all going through this transformation. And will be so until the day of Jesus - He either coming for us here on earth, or we going to Him!

So Paul continues to teach and exhort the believers in Galatia to NOT continue in the Jewish law as a way of looking good on the outside...for outward appearance. I'm reminded of the Scripture that speaks to a people who "honor God with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me." Some Jewish religious leaders and others were commanding that the new non-Jewish believers - Gentiles - should follow the Jewish law in addition to believing.

Paul exposed those who commanded this as those who were not only trying to 'look good on the outside' but in fact, trying to avoid being persecuted by the religious Jews all around them - leaders who did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah. Also, perhaps those who did believe Jesus was the Messiah but wrongly thought that they needed to continue with the Law as a way to righteousness.

You and I could fill in a different word(s) in verse 12 above to substitute for "circumcision." There are those, perhaps we ourselves, who say or think that going to church every Sunday, Bible Study during the week, praying 3 times a day, giving a certain amount or percentage of money, and not doing a whole list of certain activities, are the ways that we either prove we are saved, or even are necessary as part of our salvation.

However, this line of thinking is backwards...putting the 'cart before the horse." Such things actually can help position us to grow in Christ! Especially as new believers, it can be really helpful to practice many of the things (they can be called 'spiritual disciplines") in order to help us start living new lives in Christ - to help us grow in relationship with the Lord! I remember as a new believer, back in the 1980's...these things were really helpful for me!

BUT the danger is in thinking that this is what earns us a relationship with Jesus; thinking that these things translate into salvation and that we can judge our own walk with the Lord and judge OTHERS in their walk with the Lord.

The truth is: going to church, studying and meditating on the Bible, praying, not engaging in harmful/potentially destructive activities for my body, mind and soul, acts of service - even writing this meditation - these are the FRUIT or the OUTCOME of my relationship with Christ. These (type) things help grow and strengthen my relationship with the Lord and are (to be) an indication of my desire to know Christ more and more. And so, for you as well.

"Lord please forgive me, please forgive us, when we judge ourselves and others by what we do instead of seeking You in our hearts. Help us to grow from the inside out. Help us Lord to recognize when we are thinking and acting in ways that cause us to look one way on the outside but really on the inside, we are far from You. Lord, you know we struggle because we are in this world. But the struggle isn't the issue - how we relate to You is the issue.. really, You are 'the issue." I pray God that each one of us would more and more reflect who You are - from the inside out. Thanks for Loving us Lord. Help us to love You more.."

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