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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Love and Freedom

1 Corinthians 8

"So the weak brother [sister], for whom Christ died, is destroyed by your knowledge. When you sin against your brothers [sisters] in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother [sister] to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause him [her] to fall" (vs 11-13).

Paul is talking about the freedom we have in Christ, and how to walk in wisdom, as we walk in our freedom. All of us have what Paul may call 'weak' areas. The things that tempt me are not the same things that tempt you. Particularly when I was a new believer, I had things that if more mature believers exercised their freedom in certain areas, would have caused me to stumble, fall, and/or sin. But even as a more mature believer, each of us have 'blind spots', areas in which we are particularly vulnerable. Wisdom would tell us that it is important for us to know those areas for ourselves. And yet, Paul is pointing to an area of responsibility, which is predicated - in the context of - Christian Love, in the Love of Christ as the body of Christ. Paul highlights that walking in Love for others, is more important than walking in our freedom! It is more important to Love than to have the last word, or win the argument....(ouch).

By way of illustration (like Paul illustrates his point through the eating of foods/meat, sacrificed to idols - which was clear to the folks of his day), I share with you about the 'red dress.' This experience is from years ago. I was part of a body of believers in which my church tradition was different...actually, I didn't really have a church tradition because I was not raised attending church.

One Sunday, a dear 'mother of the church' came up to me quite serious and with a warning in her voice. She is now gone to be with the Lord. At the time she was @ 65 ish years of age, a matriarch of the community, raised in an African-American church tradition. This dear Mother pulled me aside and said, "only 'ladies of the night' wear red...never wear a red dress to church!" "Ladies of the night' is my translation of Mama's phrase which was in her own, Mother style :):). (some of you are saying, "Mother of the church...what is that?...because you are from a different tradition than one in which their are older women who are viewed as 'mother's of the church body" :)).

I was stunned, felt really sorry that I offended her, and didn't quite know what to say! I think I stammered and apologized. I had never heard of this understanding. Yet, as I prayed about the situation, I was led to not wear a red dress to the church again! At the time I'm not sure if I came to that decision because I wanted to 'fit in' or if I didn't want to offend this dear one, or anyone else who thought that way. The outcome however, relates to Paul's admonition. If my red dress, caused Mother to think about brothels and the like, then I didn't want to be a stumbling block to her! One may argue that she needed to 'understand' that wearing a red dress, just like Paul's illustration of eating meat, didn't mean anything....But - it was likely that this ingrained idea in Mother's mind was not going to change. I was "free in Christ" to wear a red dress... but really, was it more important for me to wear a red dress, or for Mother's mind and heart to be focused on Christ?

So, what is it today, that is cause for others to stumble, that is part of my Christian liberty? How about you, is there something that if you ceased, would be cause to help another continue to grow in their walk w/Jesus? This is a matter of prayer - because there isn't one 'rule', instead it is something that through prayer, the Holy Spirit will reveal to you and to me.

"Lord, show each of us today, anything that, while I'm free in You to engage in, it does not edify another and actually is cause for anothers stumbling. Give me the wisdom and grace to see this, and with humility follow You in it. Lord, help me not to judge another in this, but instead to act in and through Love...because while I pray over this/these situations, others are praying to not be a stumbling block for me. The ground at the cross is level, and we all stand there. Thank You Lord."

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