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Saturday, April 17, 2010

April 17

Leviticus 6
Acts 10

Food for Life:

Leviticus 6
"...then it shall be, when s/he sins and becomes guilty, that s/he shall restore what s/he took by robbery or what s/he got by extortion, or the deposit which was entrusted to him/her or the lost thing which s/he found, or anything about which s/he swore falsely; s/he shall make restitution for it in full and add to it one-fifth more" (6:4,5).
Have you ever wondered how you could 'make right' an offense in addition to saying, "I'm sorry, please forgive me?" Or when someone has offended you, have you ever thought or said, "I'm sorry just isn't enough!"
Reconciliation can be difficult, especially when the offense is deep or repeated. Jesus said to forgive 70 x 7 (Matthew 18:21,22). How do we do that? Well, it takes the Holy Spirit to bring about the reconciliation required when an offense, and repeated offense, has happened. On a practical level, we can ask (the person offended), pray, and think about what was effected in our offense and then give that back plus some. Restoring may seem easier to figure out when something material is stolen or damaged but what about emotional, spiritual, psychological, social offenses? Betrayal, rejection, deception, manipulation, and reputation? How are these restored and then some?
It is a process of understanding - of communication between the parties, of prayer, sometimes outside assistance to bring objectivity and wisdom from the Lord.
Mouthing the words is not enough. We must show by our actions in time, how serious are our saying, "I'm sorry" and the "I forgive you."
"Thank You God that Jesus forgave and forgives us. He showed this by dying on the cross for us; and sending the Holy Spirit to empower us to 'go and do likewise.' We don't have it in us to forgive and restore - some offenses are just too much for us to even grasp, let alone, extend forgiveness and to restore what has been 'taken.' BUT through the blood of Your Son and by the power of the Holy Spirit....we can. Show us how Lord. Thank You."

Acts 10
There is no other name or man under heaven through which people can be saved, that Name is Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12). This chapter records Peter's enlightenment, how he came to know that Jesus did not just come only as the Messiah to the Jews (even tho' Jesus made that clear...) but as Messiah for the gentiles as well - for all of us who are non-Jews. That covers all people of the world. Peter's vision was so vivid, God provided Cornelius to interpret Peter's vision, Peter was led by the Holy Spirit, as was Cornelius, and together along with those present, he understood what the Spirit of the Lord was revealing.
The Holy Spirit fell upon everyone present - they were filled w/the Spirit and were saved, being baptized in Jesus Name.
Jesus came that 'all who will' may be saved. That includes you, me, and everyone else who will. Who would the Lord have you minister to today, that is among the 'all who will?' God has given us the commission of carrying out the spreading of the Gospel - the sharing of the Good News in word and deed. Let us follow today the leading of the Spirit and carry out in sharing what the Lord has given to us, with others.

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