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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Faith is

being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see"(Hebrews 11:1) One of the things I often pray for is more faith. Even tho' Jesus says that even faith as small as a mustard seed would move mountains... Everyday there are opportunities to walk by faith and not by sight, to chose faith instead of fear, and to trust God for the impossible.

Certainly Safe Families for Children ( movement is a movement of faith. Yet, I am challenged everyday with Safe Families to choose between that which can easily or by harder work be done, or, choose that which requires more faith. Admittedly, I often choose that which may take a little faith and that for which I can see just how it can be done - financially, people-power wise, systemically, and practically. I often have both a nagging and exhilarating sense about desiring to see God move in a way that everyone seeing would have to say, 'wow, that must have been God!" Do you?

I guess what I'm saying is, "I want more." I want more of God. I want more of the Holy Spirit - we are told that "the same power that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us" (Romans 8:11) who have been blood bought (1 Corinthians 6:20), who are not our own, who have been purchased with a price. What I'm writing doesn't have to do with theology or doctrine (in the sense that I'm not making positional theological or doctrinal statements, so lets not get stuck there :)). I'm simply saying that I long to see more of that same power that raised Jesus from the dead working in and through me, you, the body of Christ.

You might ask, "What is behind this blog?" Good question.

This morning I heard something that riveted me, even seeing it as an answer to my prayer. I was told that a Christian businessman (whom I know) said that his approach to business decisions is this: "Whenever I have a decision or choice to make, I choose the option that requires the most amount of faith." I love that! For some reason, it is such a freeing approach for me! I do not do that as a 'rule.' Do you? I do take steps of faith, there are people who have told me over the years that they would like to have the faith that I have (I still don't see it the way they do...) and yet I have to say that generally, even while taking steps of faith, I can "see" ahead in some fashion.

So, today, I determine, by God's grace, to make the decisions and choices before me by which option requires the most faith. I recognize that this looks different for different people; my step of faith may not be faith for you and vice versa. How about you? Will you join me in asking God and stepping out to see God's promise that He will do "exceedingly, abundantly beyond whatever we could ask for or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us" (Ephesians 3:20) - that same power that raised Jesus from the dead?

1 comment:

  1. I want to join you in this. And ironically, my life at this time screams out the need to walk by faith. So many things going on that are so out of my control, I can't see or plan clearly, so I too need to walk by faith and watch God be God in the lives of His people. Thank you for this blog. I pray that lives are touched, changed and encouraged as Jesus is magnified through it.
