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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

God's Design and Faithfulness

Leviticus 14,15
Acts 16

Food for Life:

Leviticus 14,15
These chapters continue the instruction/regulation for cleanliness. Chapter 15 attends to sexual relations as well as bodily discharges. The Lord covered continues to be concerned about how we handle/conduct ourselves. Sexual intimacy was designed for pleasure and procreation between a married couple. The New Testament records the marriage relationship to be a picture of the relationship between Christ and (His bride) the church. Today we have publicized and societally (another new word !) made common (as opposed to sacred and special) the intimacy God intended for between husband and wife. In Biblical times there were pagan religious practices that incorporated sexual relations as part of the altar worship - something that the Levitical code would renounce and reveal the Israelites as being separate from the pagan practices.
"Lord, forgive us for the way we have made our marriage relationships and sexuality something so far outside Your design and intention. God, have mercy on us, turn us back to You, Your design, and Your purpose."

Acts 16
Wow - I love it when I am just struck by something for the first time, even though I've read it hundred's of times! That is how God reveals Himself in the Bible. The Word of God is not just words on a page, but are the Power of God; they contain information that leads to transformation - not just information for information sake! Thank You Lord!
16:1 tells us that Timothy, who was a young man of God and accompanied Paul on missionary journeys, came from a home in which one of his parents was a believer and the other was not. I saw this in a different way, for the first time! His was raised by a Mom who was a believer and a Dad who was not (he was "a Greek", indicating he was not a believer).
What I'm struck by is the encouragement Timothy's life gives to parents whose household is divided - one believing parent, another who is not. Timothy grew up to be a mighty (young) man of God, even though there was conflicting beliefs, views, probably instruction, and certainly modeling within his home! SO, be encouraged that though it is a battle, it is possible for children to follow Christ from a home that is conflicted in belief. We know that this is true, and yet I've heard from so many parents about the struggles and battles they encounter when the household is divided. It is hard, BUT GOD, it is possible for Him to work through the life of one parent who is modeling a life in Christ. Thank You Lord.
"Lord, we pray for our children today. Not just the children within our homes, but children all around us. There are so many conflicting messages and modeling to which our children are exposed. We pray for their hearts, minds, spirits, eyes to be fixed on those messages and models that are Godly and life-giving. Protect them Lord from the ravages of the world, the flesh, and the devil (1 John 2:16). Help them to 'test the spirits' (1 John 4:1) thus being able to discern what is of You and what is not. Yea Lord, help us to do so and to be bold in our word and deed; to speak the Truth in Love; and to live our lives in ways that children will be able to see the difference - the difference of You shining through. Thank You Lord."

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