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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Search My Heart Oh God

Leviticus 4
Acts 8

Food for Life:

Leviticus 4

“The law begins with the case of the anointed priest. It is evident that God never had any infallible priest in his church upon earth, when even the high priest was liable to fall into sins of ignorance. All pretensions to act without error are sure marks of Antichrist…
The sins of ignorance committed by a common person, needed a sacrifice; the greatest are not above, the meanest are not below Divine justice. None, if offenders, were overlooked. Here rich and poor meet together; they are alike sinners, and welcome to Christ. From all these laws concerning the sin-offerings, we may learn to hate sin, and to watch against it; and to value Christ, the great and true Sin-offering, whose blood cleanses from all sin, which it was not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away. For us to err, with the Bible in our hands, is the effect of pride, sloth, and carelessness. We need to use frequent self-examination, with serious study of the Scriptures, and earnest prayer for the convincing influences of God the Holy Spirit; that we may detect our sins of ignorance, repent, and obtain forgiveness through the blood of Christ.” ( excerpt from Matthew Henry's commentary on Leviticus 4)
Pretending that I (you) have no sin are marks of the I don't know about you, but that brings denying my own error/sin to a whole new level! Really though, think about how Jesus responded to the religious leaders of His day (Matthew 23). He was harsh toward them while He was not harsh at any other time, even toward those who crucified Him! It was religious leaders who 'did all the right things in public' and who expected the 'common person' to reach legalistic standards, when they themselves did not Love - did not evidence the fruit of the Spirit. Jesus also was very pointed on judging others (Matthew 7). "Lord, I (we) humble myself before You, asking You search my heart for sin that I'm either unaware of or just deny. Please forgive me (us) Lord for any haughtiness, self-righteousness, or just ignorance that would not bring honor to You and that would hurt others. Thank You Lord for Your continued grace and mercy."

Acts 8

"Saul was in hearty agreement with putting him to death" (8:1). you know this history? Saul was Paul - the apostle who wrote most of the New Testament letters and epistles! Saul was like those spoken of in Leviticus 4...he thought he was doing the correct thing - he thought he was defending and honoring God by having Christians killed! He was in agreement for Stephen to be killed. He was ignorant that Jesus was the Messiah. The Lord knocked him off his horse (as we will read about in the next chapter). So, Paul was a murderer of Christians (as Saul - before he was saved), he was a highly educated Jew in the things of Judaism. Clearly we can see in his life, how Jesus created in him a 'new creature in Christ, the old gone, the new come.' Jesus gave Saul a new heart and a new name (Paul), He gave him new Life. It was clear for all to see.
Can others clearly see the new Life in me? In you? "God, whatever it takes, reveal the new Life You have given me, from within - for all to see, and Glorify You God."

"Therefore repent of this wickedness of yours, and pray the Lord that, if possible, the intention of your heart may be forgiven you" (8:22). I never cease to be amazed how the Holy Spirit couples the readings we have daily, so that the themes compliment one another! Simon wanted to pay for the Holy Spirit's that he could make money. That was the intention of his heart, which the Holy Spirit brought to light. Outward actions may not reveal what another (you or I) intends in their heart, but the Holy Spirit will reveal it. Sometimes we may not be fully aware of the intention of our heart - we can (and should) be clear before the Lord about the heart of our outward actions. At the same time, we are not to judge another's intent (we could ask and see if that is their intent...) but only God knows the intention and motivation of one's heart. "Lord, search our hearts, help us to be aware of our intent and motivation, and if it is not of You - if it is for selfishness in some fashion - help us to repent, change that, and go on in You. Thank You Lord."

"...Do you understand what you are reading? And he said, 'Well, how could I, unless someone guides me?'"(8:30,31). The Lord has called us to be guided and guide others in the things of the Lord. To help illuminate the Word of God (through the power of the Holy Spirit) and in turn, pass on Jesus. That is why we are reading together and I'm sharing some insights on the Word. That is why we read commentaries, listen to sermons at church, on the radio. That is why we pray and seek the Lord to bring about understanding. We are blessed so that we can be a blessing to others and that God is glorified, it is for our good, and the good of others. "Let it be Lord, let it be."

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