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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Blessing in Obedience

Leviticus 26

Food for Life:

Leviticus 26
"But (God) if you will not listen to Me..."(26:14), "But (God ) if they will confess their sins and the sins of their fathers..."(26:40).

But God. Remember? God is the game changer. When He 'shows up', when He intervenes, when we consider Him, God changes everything. God never changes, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. But God. He changes you, me, situations, outcomes, results, the journey, the heart. God is the Original Transformer; not transforming Himself (for He is Perfection), but changes you and me.

Remember God. Actually, that is what is being said in this chapter of Leviticus. God is letting the Israelites know how they were made to live, which would result in great blessing. It is quite logical in many ways. We were designed by God. We are God's Image Bearers. God knows precisely how we are made to live so that we blossom, grow, thrive, remain in joy, and bring Him Glory.

God also knows when we don't remember Him; when we don't follow Him, how destructive and harmful it is for us, for those around us, and even for those who are our inherit-ants. The Lord shows us how going off course from Him causes us to crash and burn (not always immediately, but inevitably); God also shows us, as He did the Israelites, time and time again, how to get back on course - 26:40 reveals that to confess our sin/repent/ turn/ renounce the disobedience/ and that "of our fathers", we will receive forgiveness, refreshing, revitalization. 1 John 1:9 is like this revelation - "If you confess your sin, He is faithful and just to forgive your sin and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness."

What about the sins of "our fathers?" This reveals the reality that what we do effects those that come after us; and we are effected by those who went before us - our parents, grandparents... . Why confess their sin? Because in so doing, the power of the sin, the curse if you will, is broken - we can be set free of the destructive generational patterns (you know what I'm talking about) - and begin afresh and anew.

"THank You Lord for showing us Yourself and The Way. Thank You that we don't have to sin, that it isn't our destiny, and that through the Power of the Cross and the Holy Spirit, we can break the destructive patterns that came before us and we can walk in freedom - not passing them on down one more generation. Hallelujah! Thank You for Your great Love with which You love us..."

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