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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Of Great Value and Worth

Leviticus 27
Acts 24

Food for Life:

Acts 24
"So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and all people" (24:16). What an excellent check and matter of prayer for God's grace to have this be so in our lives! In this chapter, once again, Paul is giving a defense for his actions and for the Hope he has within.

He is humble as he presents himself before the governmental and political authorities. He is respectful, he doesn't call names or sling accusations back at his accusers. He is positive and points out the praiseworthy aspects of the Felix's reign and his accomplishments. He is honest, he recounts how he was before Jesus apprehended him :), and how he has conducted himself after being brought into the Kingdom of Light. He seeks to be unifying, he speaks to the aspects of faith in which there is agreement with the very people who are calling for his killing. He brings an excellent defense for himself, but he is not defensive!

"Lord, I pray as you call us to be ready to give an answer in season and out, for the Hope which resides within us, we would take on the example of Paul - by Your Grace and Power. Thank You Lord. Please forgive us for the times when our individual or collective actions as believers has been less than Paul's example - and has actually given cause for others to accuse us. We love You Lord, thank You for loving us."

Leviticus 27
The end of Leviticus!! Wow, we made it - this can be a difficult book to get through. I'm thankful to the Lord for help me and I trust you, to glean what He had for us that is used to help us 'grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!'

Redeeming what is the Lords'. This final chapter delineates, as most chapters in Leviticus, God's guidelines, commands, and instruction for the given subject. I am so thankful to Jesus that you and I do not have a value which can be counted as monetary. God revealed what value was and is placed on us as Image Bearer's of God. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself. "He who had no sin, became sin FOR US so that we could become the righteousness of God" ( ).

The next time you have a thought, or the demonic plagues you with a thought, or someone speaks or acts toward you in a manner that says, "you are worth nothing, you are no good, you are_________", I pray you and I recall, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, "no, that is a lie, the TRuth is that Jesus Christ laid down His life for me...I' m to DIE FOR!!!" As Image Bearer's of God, we are of immeasurable value and worth. Renounce the lie, and proclaim the Truth - allow the Holy Spirit to speak deeply in you spirit the specific Truth for the specific lie. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, He is the lie buster and effects what Jesus did on the Cross...setting us free!

Thank You Lord!!!

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