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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Days Ordained for Us

Dear Ones,
It has been several days since I've sent out the daily readings and comments! I apologize - I've been in Chicago the last 10 days and haven't been able to take the time to write and send out! I pray you all are experiencing growth and blessing to be a blessing to others in your journey with Jesus! I hope to write a piece on my time in Chicago as I went to work with Safe Families for Children, but also participated in the Memorial Service for a young man whose earthly journey with Jesus ended - his family and friends heartbroken - as is the case of those of us who are 'left behind' when a loved one goes on.
I'd love to hear from you!
Blessings and prayers,

Acts 25

Food for Life:

Acts 25
BUT GOD and Paul. In Acts 25 we see that Paul's trials continue - literally and spiritually! He continues to be brought before the politicians by the religious leaders and crowds. 2 years have gone by, he is still imprisoned and the Jewish leaders are still looking for a way to ambush/kill Paul. BUT GOD and Paul continue to thwart their plans! Because it is not yet Paul's time to go on to Jesus.

Saints, I do not understand how this works together, But God is sovereign, God's plan will prevail, even when people are working against God. The Word says that the times and places, the day's of our lives, are ordained by God, even before there was yet one (Psalm 139)! I don't know how that exactly works - I know that God is good and He does not plan for us to sin, be sinned against, for pain and suffering and heart ache to be part of our earthly experience. But it is. And yet, in this world we will have trouble, but (God), take heart because Jesus has overcome the world (John 16:33)! This is our hope! And it is a hope that is anchored in The Anchor (Hebrews 6:19). It is the hope that is anchored in Truth. In the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6)!

But God - I recall when my mom passed on to be with the Lord. I was living in New Jersey, she was in Maine. We (family, friends, medical folks) did not expect her to die. She had under gone successful surgery to remove cancer from her body. She was undergoing chemo-therapy treatments as a prevention mention. Something went wrong, very quickly. The hospital/medical personnel made errors - there was grave incompetence - within 5 days my mom went from being on the road to recovery, to death.

I was driving from New Jersey to Maine (11 hour drive) in the middle of the night, alone. I was praying and asking God to let her 'go home', to heal her and let her go home. I sensed a peace in the midst of tears that God had answered my prayer. I received a call, with still 6 hours to drive, that my mom died. I pulled over and wept. Crying out to the Lord. I didn't understand, this wasn't what I prayed!?! I didn't even get to say goodbye!

As time unfolded, I saw that indeed the Lord did answer my prayer. My mom was healed. And, she was home. She was/is experiencing no more pain and suffering or tears. She is where we are intended to be for eternity, where are citizenship resides. With Christ in God (Colossians 3:3,4). Weeping endures for a night (sometimes years) but Joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). I still miss my mom, but I know that one day I will be with her forever. In our True home. Our eternal home. Where we were created to live (Philippians 3:20).

But God. I don't understand how it all works together. I don't understand how human incompetence unto fatality fits into God's sovereignty and appointed time and place for each person's ordained days. But God. I know that God is True. And I know that God is all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere all at the same time (Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent). I know that God is in control and that our best is in God's heart - because He loves us.

What does my experience with my mom have to do with God and Paul as recorded in Acts 25? It has to do with your life and mine and the lives of our loved ones. God is Sovereign and Good. Paul's time was not dictated by those who were seeking to kill him. His time was dictated by God. Paul fit into God's story, History, His-story. Romans 8:28. We only know in part today (we only see in part) but one day we will see/understand completely (1 Corinthians 13:12).

"God, help us to trust You, help us to believe You, help us to see the way You do. We love You. Thank You for loving us. Even so come Lord Jesus come."

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