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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Same Direction, Same Foundation

2 Corinthians 6:14-18

"Do not be yoked together with unbelievers...What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?...As God has said:'I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people" (vs 14,15,16 - portions of each).

Folks in the Corinthian Church had lived as non-believers, and then came to faith in Christ, becoming born-again, becoming believers. They became folks (as all believers) who were the temples of the Holy Spirit, they had the Holy Spirit now living within them, taking up residence! What a difference in their lives, in their identities! They were no longer the same. They were new creations - as we read about in 2 Corinthians 5!

That is like many of us - in fact, while some may be younger in years than others when they are born-again, born of the Spirit; everyone has spent some time as unbelievers! When I received Jesus, was filled with His Spirit, became a new creation (I like emphasizing the super-natural act that God did!), I was 24 yrs of age.

At 24 yrs., I had been dating a young man - he and I were not believers, and we lived as non-believers. When I became a believer, he did not. We continued to date - and as a young believer, it took some time to walk in my new identity...I had some left-overs that needed to be shed - and by God's grace they were, in time :)

Well, I became increasingly convicted, by the Holy Spirit, that to continue to be joined with this young man, was not of God! Yet it was difficult for me to break away, because I loved him! After about 6 months, the Lord became stronger in me than my old once again I shared with this young man what happened in my life with God. My prayer and hope was that he too would become a believer. One more time I shared the Gospel of Salvation with him. Explaining that because of this, because of my relationship with Jesus, I couldn't continue to date him. I explained that he was walking down the road in one direction, and I was walking the opposite way. He looked at me very seriously and said, "it's OK...I will let you go to church... ."

He didn't get it. It wasn't and isn't about going to isn't about different activities, or ideas. Sure, I began going to church, but that was because I had the desire to be around others who were seeking Jesus! My activities were different and my ideas, but not in and of themselves - my worldview was different! It was from above, not earthly. How can two walk together unless they are going in the same direction?

So, I let this young man go. It broke my heart, it broke his but also made him angry. I could not continue with him; what usually happens when a believer dates, marries, becomes business partners, or holds something tangible in common with an unbeliever? The believer usually ends up compromising his/her relationship with Jesus. No matter how moral, kind, considerate the unbeliever conducts him/herself - the foundation and worldview is other than Christ. Worse than oil and water....which does not mix.

SO - Paul says to the Corinthians, and God reminds us - "don't be unequally yoked" won't work. It will cause pain, heartache, and destruction. Even if it seems not to be so in the is inevitable. Two can't walk together unless they are walking in the same direction. Believer's direction could not be more opposite that the unbeliever's....Believer's we ought not even "go there."

"Lord, help us as Your children to see this reality as described by the Apostle Paul. While we are to love others and seek their good - it isn't possible for us to be yoked/partnered/joined with those who are walking in the polar opposite direction...we will likely end up walking their way...not Yours. Speak to our hearts Holy Spirit. Strength us in our inner persons, to hear You and walk Your way. Thanks for loving us God."

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