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Friday, February 18, 2011

Christ Formed in You

Galatians 4

"My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you..." (vs 19).

Paul continues to speak in this writing so personally to the believers at Galatia! His love, commitment, and hope for them is not only seen through the words he speaks/writes, but his actions. The goal of his love, commitment, and hope is that "Christ be formed" within them! That was the heart of God for the Galatians...that is God's heart toward you and me!

It struck me in a new way this morning of how personal, how close, Paul's heart and manner was toward the Galatians. How much more intimate can one be than when a woman is in childbirth and experiencing the pain of the birthing process! Mothers who have given birth, can you say AMEN! Paul seemed to use this illustration - comparing how he felt toward the Galatians and his desire to see "Christ formed in them" and childbirth - because it most portrayed his experience in pastoring the Galatians!

All of us can think of situations and experiences that were so grueling that they could be likened to childbirth. Parents with children, raising them in ways that your hope is for them to be Godly, healthy, content - making positive and life-giving choices for themselves! Perhaps starting a project or developing an idea or having a dream and seeking to see them through to the desired end! Perhaps there is a personal issue - a health issue, a personality issue, some (perceived or real deficit) that you experience - You've been seeking to overcome, compensate or change. You find it is extremely painful and difficult.

Paul is equating his work on behalf of the Galatians to see Christ formed in them, to see them walking in the freedom to which they have been called in Christ, to see them walking in the Truth - to childbirth pains.

What is amazing is that as much as Paul experienced this pain, he did so for the joy! There is a correlation between pain and joy. To the degree we experience pain for Christ's sake, for the things of Christ's heart, we will also experience Joy! And so, that is like childbirth isn't it? Childbirth is not gone through with the expectation of - it's just pain for the sake of pain. It is pain for the sake of seeing a new life, a gift from God, come into this world!

And that was Paul's expectation. As Christ was formed in the Galatians, they would live out their calling as sons and daughters of God! "Because you are sons [and daughters], God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, 'Abba, Father" (vs 4:6). Abba means 'daddy', how personal is that! I have heard it said and have seen the reaction when father's hear their children call out "daddy!" with joy, expectation, seeking safety, seeking comfort, guidance and direction. No greater thrill for a father! No greater thrill for God, our perfect parent!

My prayer for all of you, is to see "Christ formed in you, the Hope of Glory!" While I am by no means equating myself to the Apostle Paul - I can say that the reason I write these devotionals, that partly reflect how God is working in and through my life, I do so for the sole reason of seeing Christ formed in you - in any that would read!

How about you? Do you seek to see Christ formed not only in yourself, but in others with whom you come in to contact? Your children? Your sisters and brothers? Your husbands and wives? Your family members and friends? Your church family and neighbors?

"Lord thank You that You are at work through Your Spirit to see Christ formed in each one of us. Thank You that Your heart is for us to be saved and then continually transformed into the image of Christ, starting from the inside and working to the outside. Thank You for examples like our brother, the Apostle Paul! For his tirelessness, as recorded in Scripture, his love and commitment to those You put in his path. I pray God that each one of us would seek to take Paul's example and ask You Lord to show us how to 'go and do likewise' in our time and Your ways. Thanks for loving us Lord. "Christ in us, the Hope of Glory!"

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