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Friday, June 4, 2010

God's Kindness

Romans 2

This chapter contains one of the realities that I recall nearly everyday - because by God's grace I see and experience it many times a day - "...God's kindness..."(Romans 2:4). God's kindness is evident (as Romans 1 describes! ) generally, all around (me) us everyday. All kindness has it's origin in God. "Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights in whom there is no variation or shifting shadow" (James 1:17). (I) We also see specific, non-generalized, kindness toward us everyday - often we don't see it as such, or we don't recognize it as "God's Kindness", yet that does not change the reality - all kindness is God's kindness....Please feel free to debate this, I'd like to hear any opposing position!

But this isn't the whole of the reality - God's kindness. "...God's kindness leads you toward repentance?" Did you know that God's kindness is not an end in itself, although it is a necessary and wonderful experience? There is an expected response to God's kindness...and expectation of the Giver of kindness. It is a response of repentance...a realization that I don't deserve God's kindness - I can't 'earn' God's kindness - unlike 1 + 1 = 2...God's kindness is not based on an equation. "If I _______(a good thing) then I will receive kindness in return." We can all recall situations when we have been kind to others, when we have done good things, and we have not received 'in kind' back, right? God's kindness isn't dependent on my being kind; God's kindness is dependent on God - because God is kind and because God loves us (God is Love) - that is why God is kind toward us.

However, what is my response to kindness? It is to reflect on the condition of my own actions/attitudes/...sin - and then because of God's kindness, I am led to say, "thank You Lord...please forgive me for__________; thank You for Your Kindness toward me, thank You for all the blessings in my life, thank You for Your provision, Your protection, Your Presence, Your kindness toward me, Your Love..."

And do you know what repentance leads to? Life. Real Life. Not only salvation - although that would be enough! Every time I am repentant I gain more freedom in real time.

It is likened to the principle that "I'm blessed to be a blessing." That when I receive blessing (God's kindness!), my response is to turn around and pass that blessing on to someone else, who in turn...

"Lord, help us to have eyes to see You, Your Kindness, to repent, and Live!"

Tomorrow's Bible Reading will focus on the first part of verse 4; and the previous verses in the chapter in order to see the context of this part of the verse! Stay tuned!

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