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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Judge Not

Romans 2:1-4a
Yesterday we focused on the last part of 2:4; the Kindness of God leading us to repentance. Today we are looking at the proceeding verses, and the first half of verse 4. We hear a lot today about how we aren't suppose to judge others. Even those who do not proclaim Jesus as their Savior, even those who do not profess to seeing the Word of God as their standard, will use the Bible's admonition of 'not judging others' as their back-up to say 'don't judge me, don't call me out."

Most of the time when this phrase is used it is taken out of the context of Scripture. Often it is used as a way of saying to someone, "what I do is none of your business" or "what someone else does is none of your business." However, this sentiment is not the message of Scripture's 'not sitting in judgment of someone else." There are a many messages related to judging in the context of Scripture. Romans 2:1-4 speaks of judging others, calling another out for a wrong or sin when in fact the one doing the calling out/judging is doing the same thing. Paul is bringing out the fact that if I am pointing out your sin, I can be sure that if I'm engaging in the same/like practice, I will be held to the same standard as I'm pointing out to you.

Matthew 7:1-5 highlights a similar reality and perhaps is a more familiar verse even to those who don't read the Bible or take it's Truth to heart - "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in our brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?...FIRST take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." Among the primary point's of these verses is that we are not to be hypocritical. We actually are able to observe other's actions or hear their words and determine whether or not we are observing sin....and then we can speak the Truth IN LOVE in order to help another. However, we ought first evaluate our own actions and words, using the Word, Jesus as our standard. Then in grace and mercy, which we have received from the Lord, impart that to others. We are not able, however, to speak to another's motivation or intent of the heart....only God can see another's heart, only God really knows our own heart...God is the Judge of our hearts, and is even great than our hearts!

In Romans 2:1-4a, we see Paul admonishing believer's in a similar manner as Jesus' admonishment sited above. Paul is pointing out that, in fact, when I call out another's sin, and am practicing the same/like sin, I actually am condemning myself! Also, that I am actually calling into contempt (disrespect, dishonor, disgrace,disdain, scorn, calling out in hatred of, worthless, in meanness, and vile!) "the richness of God's kindness, tolerance, and patience" which is meant to lead others and ourselves to repentance. WOW. So when I point my finger against another (and really myself) I can actually be interrupting, negating, defocusing, interfering with the movement of God to bring folks to repentance (and Life).

It is not that we should not call sin, sin - we have an obligation as brother's and sister's in Christ, out of love, to speak the Truth in Love... it is that we do not put ourselves above our brother or sister when doing so, and that we do not do it while hiding our own sin.

(We are not to do so for any other reason, however, and we are not to do so in any other manner, other than love. When people are not in Christ, our approach is to be very different, however, because they are not looking to Jesus, they are not filled with the Holy Spirit, and don't have the capacity within (which is the Holy Spirit) to NOT sin... It becomes a different conversation, but is still in love. It becomes first about God's great Love for them, and how destructive actions hurt them (which is also the case for believers, sin is destructive and hurts us AND is an offense to God - because it hurts (us) the very ones God created in His Image...!) - this is another topic which deserves much more consideration.)

"Lord help me (us) to extend the kindness, tolerance, and patience that You do toward me (us), to others - leaving space for the Holy Spirit to call others (and myself) to Yourself!"

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