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Monday, June 21, 2010

Under Grace

Happy First Day of Summer!!

Romans 7

Chapter 7 is so powerful and necessary for our understanding and growth in Christ! Paul discusses the difference between 'being under the Law (the Ten Commandments or other 'laws' that we and other's (try) to put upon us) and being under the Holy Spirit (being under Grace, under the blood of Freedom through Jesus Christ's precious salvation!).
Paul uses a simple example/illustration for us to grasp. He compares being under the Law to a person who is married - when one is married and then marries another - thus commits adultery - sin ( I'm not wanting to get into the whole issue of divorce here). This is what it is like when we take the Law and try to keep it, as a way to be right before God...we sin every time b/c it is impossible for any person to do.
BUT, when someone is married and the spouse dies, then that one is freely able to marry, and is not sinning! This is the life lived under the Power of the Holy Spirit, under Grace, under the blood of Jesus. We are freed from paying the price for our inability to live up to the full extend of the Law...which would be called perfection. We are free, in receiving the gift of God's Grace through Jesus Christ - which is what makes us right before God - reconciled.
Paul also describes the 'fight' we have within - as we battle against sin - our OLD NATURE - we don't have a sinful nature any longer, after receiving forgiveness through Jesus Christ and infilling of the Holy Spirit. BUT we are tempted by our old ways, old nature, sin...the devil and his demons, to go against God. If we try to overcome this temptation in our own strength, apart of from the Holy Spirit, we will eventually fail....just like trying to follow the Law. We can't do it.
BUT GOD - Paul says, "Thanks be to God - through Jesus Christ our Lord" who has saved us, made a way for us, and is 'fighting' for us!

"God, I pray that each one of us would call upon Your Name, more and more, to be filled continually with Your Holy Spirit - to yield continually to Your Holy Spirit, to recognize that apart from You, we cannot live the Life for which You have created and chosen us. Thanks be to You oh Lord, for making the way for us, for we cannot make it our own way. We love You Lord, thank You for loving us."

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