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Friday, November 19, 2010

The Gospel of Grace

1 Corinthians 15:1-11

"By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain"(vs2).

The Gospel and Grace. These are the themes of this portion of Scripture. Actually, the Theme of the Word of God - we are saved by Grace through faith, not a work of our own that we can boast (Ephesians 2:8). Paul is confirming and affirming to the folks he is preaching/writing to that the Gospel (vs 3-7, the gospel in a nutshell :)) he has preached, they have heard and believed, is the Word for them to hold on to...least they believe in vain.

Others were preaching that there is no resurrection from the dead....Christ did not raise from the dead. Paul makes it clear that Christ's resurrection was/is an historical fact. He cites those that walked with Christ in the flesh, and then those same and others (including himself at a later date) who saw Christ when He appeared to them AFTER His resurrection.

Paul explains that he works 'harder than all others' because of his past. Because he was one who actually chased after, captured, persecuted 'followers of the way'; ....and then he was knocked of his horse and blinded by the Light....Jesus appeared to him and set him straight. Jesus saved him. Jesus went on to tell him that he would suffer and be persecuted himself in light of his actions, and many would be saved as a result. Paul makes it clear however, that it wasn't that he was high and mighty because he 'worked harder', but it was because of and through GOD'S GRACE that he was saved and enable to do so.

Paul is BIG on grace. I recall a dear one who said, "I've done so many bad things, I can't be saved." He was then led to hear about and read about the Apostle Paul; persecutor of Believers, 'chief of sinners', saved by God's Grace and turned into God's man. This dear one, with tears in his eyes then said, 'oh, I guess I can be saved...what must I do.' He was then led to pray, confess, repent, received Christ's forgiveness, filled with the Holy Spirit, be born-again. What a rejoicing moment - not only of those present, but of the angels in heaven.

I am big on grace too. How about you. If it were not for God's grace I would not be able to stand....neither would you. Even if a one does not recognize God's grace toward him/ does not change the fact. It is only by God's grace that we...are. What do you see today that requires an extra measure of God's grace? "Lord, I need your grace today. I'm tired and weary. Troubled in my sleep with the cares of this world and loved ones. OH GOD. I receive Your Grace today - in this moment. You say that 'Your grace is sufficient for Your power is perfected in my weakness...I am weak...You are strong...I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Dear One, I pray you make this your prayer now - in whatever form and circumstance of life you find yourself in today. Love and prayers, Robin

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